Thursday, November 28, 2013


It is crunch time at the Wall's turkey day brunch!

Photo from 2008 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Straight-Arm Climb…

I am trying to beat the Holiday muffin top! 
Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie faceup on the floor, arms extended straight out above chest, palms facing away from head. Lift head and neck off the floor, looking up to ceiling, and press right arm up, lifting head and right shoulder blade off the floor.
Immediately lower right shoulder and repeat the lift on left side. Avoid letting elbows bend as you lift and lower. Do 20 reps, alternating sides each time.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Parsnip Fries...

It's that time again!  I forgot about how much I love this recipe!  I found the best substitute for French fries - roasted parsnips!  I was never a huge fan of French fries, but put them in front of me and I would eat them!!! I could have eaten the whole tray of these!  Pre-heat the oven to 400.  Peel the parsnips and cut them into French fry size pieces, spray them with some EVOO, add a little salt, pepper and oregano.  Bake them for 30 minutes and there you have it, my version of French fries.  I also add a dash or two of cayenne pepper and smoked hot paprika for some extra heat!

Fact:  Parsnips provide similar nutritional benefits as potatoes.  Some significant differences are that parsnips are lower in calories and contain only about 50 percent of the protein and vitamin C content of potatoes. However, parsnips do contain more fiber than potatoes.  Even though both parsnips and potatoes provide good amounts of B vitamins, parsnips provide a much better source of folic acid.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Avoid Sitting Too Much...

We have become a nation of sitters. We sit at work, sit on the way to and from work, sit while we eat, and sit during the evening while watching TV. What can we do about it before we all pay the health price? Our CEO of the company has made it his goal to get us up and walking around more at work!  “I hope to see you in the hallway more often.”  My problem is I automatically walk to the teat kitchen “lab” for a sip of coffee or to get some water and try my hardest to avoid any treats that the chef's might be experimenting with!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I Forgot to Blog yesterday!  I am getting wrapped up (ha ha) in the Holiday season!  SORRY!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I thought this was interesting - Thank you Shape Magazine for all the information!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Foot Injury…
I know exactly when I landed on my left foot wrong - I was trying to avoid a big puddle on Sunday!  Just when I was getting back in my groove, I now have to lay off until my foot feels better!  I hate injuries :(.  At least I can still manage riding my bike and strength training! 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A calorie is a calorie, and in order to lose weight you just need to eat fewer of them.
It is amazing how many times you hear people say this in 2012 despite countless clinical trials showing that reducing carbohydrates, not fat, leads to more efficient and effective weight loss. In addition to that we eat food, not calories. Food contains different components such as fat, carbohydrates, and protein. At a very basic level, fats and proteins stimulate feelings of satiety and fullness, while carbohydrates create a hormonal environment that makes fat burning very difficult for our bodies.
Reducing calories is important to lose weight, but you need to take into consideration where those calories come from—fat, carbs, protein, etc.—and the hormonal and physiological responses our bodies have to those components.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Reasons You're Cheating on Your Diet…
A lot of the problems stem from emotional eating, whether it is stress, over worked, disappointment, reliving a trauma or having financial difficulties, you just want to turn to the foods that comfort you!  Some people turn to the salty and others like me turn to the sugary!
The solution's all in your head  - putting a stop to emotional eating is all about becoming more mindful--paying attention to what's going on both in your stomach and in your mind. So next time you're having a late-night craving and find yourself overcome by the desire to eat everything in front of you, take a deep breath and assess your mental state. Ask yourself if you're eating because you're hungry, or because you're tired, angry, disappointed, overwhelmed, sad, or anxious. If it's a mental thing, take a moment to think about how food is only a temporary fix, and one that's likely to make you feel even worse later. Close the fridge and give yourself a pep talk.  Remind yourself that you have gotten through many tough times in the pas. Become your own good parent. If you're still craving something salty or sweet, eat it. But chances are that once you calm down and start thinking positive thoughts, junk food won't be as appealing.

Friday, November 15, 2013

In The News…
In a somewhat surprising move on Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed measures that would virtually banish trans fats from processed foods, saying it could save 7,000 lives each year.
The proposal would declare that partially hydrogenated oils (PHOS) are no longer "generally recognized as safe," or GRAS, a status that allows certain substances, such as salt, caffeine, and aspartame, to flow through the food supply legally. This would mean PHOS, the most common form of artificial trans fats, would be considered food additives and would have to be proved safe in order to be used in food products. Currently trans fats are common in a wide range of processed foods, including frozen pizzas, frosting, coffee creamer, and refrigerated dough.
While Americans' consumption of trans fats has decreased from about 4.6 grams a day in 2003 to 1 gram a day in 2012, current intakes are still a major cause for concern, FDA commissioner Margaret Hamburg said in a statement. So from a medical standpoint, this change couldn't come soon enough.
"This is a huge step forward," says Dennis Finkielstein, M.D., director of ambulatory cardiology at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City. "The medical community has recognized for three decades the negative side effects of trans fats. This isn't the final step, but it's a big move in the continuing process to educate consumers."
In addition to raising your LDL (bad) cholesterol and lowering your HDL (good) cholesterol, trans fat can actually alter the configuration of your LDL to make it more plaque-forming, according to Finkielstein. "This increases your risk of stroke, dart attack, and death," he says.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ethiopian Food…

I think it might be time to go back to one of our favorite Ethiopian restaurants!  I like these helpful hints!

Put teff to the test: Injera, a traditional Ethiopian flatbread made of teff flour, is high in fiber, vitamin C, and protein. Traditional Ethiopian cuisine emphasizes root vegetables, beans, and lentils and it’s light on dairy and animal products. Try your hand at making injera at home, or cook teff grains in water and substitute for rice.
Skip: Family-style meals. The traditional Ethiopian diet consists of shared dishes scooped up with injera. This style of eating makes it hard to control portions, so put individual servings on a plate to make it easier to visualize how much you’re eating!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It’s Cold Out…
WOW-what happened to Fall?  I am not a wimp, but I am not ready for below 20 degree weather!  I am not ready to put my bike away!  Hopefully this is just a short cold spell and I will be back on my bike tomorrow!  The last 2 days I have had to take the bus :( Last year I rode into December!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Set Goals Beyond the Scale…
Even if you do everything right, there will be times when the scale won't budge or the weight just doesn't seem to come off as quickly as it should. Don't let that discourage you! Measure your progress in other ways, set goals for fitness—running farther, sticking to your routine each day or week—and celebrate each of these mini accomplishments.  Or set goals for your diet such as staying in your calorie range as many days as possible, packing your lunch for work each day, or drinking 64 ounces of water a day, and celebrate reaching these goals.  Celebrating these new milestones is a great way to stay motivated and inspired to stick with your program, even on days (or weeks) when the scale doesn't seem to reflect your progress.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Coffee Buzz…

If you rely on coffee to get you going in the morning, you may want to delay that cup o' joe.  New scientific findings suggest the caffeine in coffee is more effective later in the a.m. hours than it is bright and early! Apparently, our levels of a hormone called cortisol are higher when we wake up, and drinking coffee at that time can lead to a tolerance for caffeine. Fascinating stuff, not sure I will be able to break my weekday daily routine!

Friday, November 8, 2013

A Good Switch...

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Shaved Cauliflower Salad…

I might have to give this a try over the weekend!
1/2 large head cauliflower, thinly sliced
1 radicchio, cored and shaved
6 inner celery stalks with leaves
1/4 cup flat-leaf parsley
1/4 cup chopped chives
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1/4 cup olive oil
Juice of 2 lemons
Juice of 1 orange
1 teaspoon water
4 to 5 medjool dates, pitted
1/2 cup walnuts
1. Place cauliflower and radicchio in a bowl. Remove celery leaves from stalks and toss into the bowl. Cut remaining stalks into thin matchsticks and add with parsley leaves and chives.
2. Combine mustard, oil, lemon juice, orange juice, water, dates, and salt and pepper to taste to a high-powered blender. Puree until smooth.
3. Mix dressing and salad, adding lemon zest or more citrus juice and salt to your liking. Top with walnuts.
Nutrition score per serving: 181 calories, 12g fat, 19g carbs, 2g protein, 3g fiber
Serves: 8

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I for one know that I should be doing much more stretching, especially after a long run!  One of my area’s of trouble is the IT band!  This is an all around great stretch!
Stand tall with right leg crossed over left. Lean to the right (towards front leg) until you feel a stretch along the side of the left leg.  Hold for 30 seconds, breathing deeply the entire time. Repeat 5 times before switching sides.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

More on Salmon…
We are know that salmon is one of the best sources of omega3, but surprise - it is also contains the nutrient vitamin D!  We know vitamin D is in sunshine!  I have just started taking a vitamin D supplement.  More surprising sources: This vitamin is naturally present in very few foods, but it’s crucial for calcium absorption and bone growth. While we get most of our vitamin D intake from fortified foods, excellent natural sources include cod liver oil, sockeye salmon, and canned tuna. An egg is also a good source—if you eat the yolk, which has 10 percent DV.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Blog Anniversary…. 

Another milestone!  I started this blog in 2009, 4 years ago!  WOW!  I still enjoy finding out new and improved weight loss info.  This blog has helped keep me focused!  I still keep a food journal and I am trying to keep up with my strength training and running.  I do have my week spots and I do have some “off” weeks.  For the most part I have been able to maintain the majority of my weight loss.  I enjoy being thinner, yet my doctor still has to threaten me sometimes about my blood sugar being high! I also love the new wardrobe I have been able to accumulate!  
We are at the beginning, the start of the Holiday season!  Hard to believe it is here! It’s time for me to buckle down and really stay focused.  My goal is not to put on any extra weight!  I am sure everyone will be bringing in their leftover Halloween candy and I will do my best not to partake!  BEWARE!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Leftover Salmon...

Not often, but once in awhile we make too much salmon! Too much meaning I have enough for 4 meals instead of 3!  Dinner for Bob and me and leftovers for a wonderful lunch the next day.  Luckily we invested in a food saver!  We had a combination of smoked and grilled salmon in the freezer.  Bob made the most amazing salmon cakes for dinner the other night!  He bound the salmon with an egg, green onions and dill, salt and pepper to taste. He used olive oil cooking spray on the skillet and cooked them to perfection!  He made a champagne vinaigrette with a teaspoon of olive oil, dill and capers and served it over a little bed of arugula, tomatoes and red bell pepper.  We had a side of mashed cauliflower.  It was delicious and guess what - I have 2 salmon cakes for lunch tomorrow!

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!