Friday, February 28, 2014

A Possible Reason For Weight Gain…
You work out regularly. You eat healthfully (most of the time) — so, why are you gaining weight? For starters, check your mood. A forthcoming study of 787 people conducted by Cornell University found that People in a good mood are 77 percent likelier to eat healthy food than those feeling bad. 

“When people are upset, they want immediate relief, which may include grabbing what’s easiest and most comforting,” Brian Wansink, PhD, author of “Slim by Design:  Midless Eating Solutions for Everyday Life,” tells Yahoo Shine. “However, people in good moods feel optimistic and tend to make choices that benefit their overall health.” Of course, there’s no magic bullet for perking up before you reach for the cookies, but the study also found that taking a moment to ponder a happy thought helps steer people away from the kitchen.  

Don’t worry - be happy:)
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein! 

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