Wednesday, February 19, 2014

If You Want Stronger Abs, You'll Need a Stronger Back...

If your abs are the star of the show, think of your lower back as the supporting cast. When it comes to waist circumference, your lower back factors into that figure just as much as belly fat does.  By tightening your lower back, your waist will look slimmer. Also, a strong lower back makes it possible for you to complete intense ab-focused workouts with less risk of injury.  You can't be one-sided!  It's the same problem we see in athletes who overdevelop their quads and end up with hamstring injuries.  If you neglect your back, not only will you have a more difficult time completing ab exercises in the first place, but you'll also have a better chance of injuring yourself and having to put off ab-targeted moves completely while you recover. In other words, if you want that six-pack, your lower back better be in shape!

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