Monday, February 3, 2014

Nutrition Facts Label Upgrade… 

What we know about nutrition has changed a lot since 1994, which is when the current nutrition facts panel went into effect. Yup, those labels are 20 years old! FDA has just sent guidelines for new labels to the White House. Here are a few buzzed-about possible changes we can definitely get behind!

Updated servings per container and serving sizes. You know those packages that are CLEARLY meant to be consumed in one sitting, but list 2 or 3 servings per container? No more of that. The recommended serving sizes may also change for certain foods in order to be more realistic. YAY!!!

Removing the "calories from fat" listing. When was the last time you checked that number? Seriously. We look at nutrition facts ALL DAY, and we don't even check that. The total fat, fat breakdown, and percentage of the daily value are all the fat stats we need.

More prominent calorie count. With all of the figures and percentages that make up the current labels (like, ahem, the above listing), it's easy to overlook this very important number! We love the idea of making it as easy as possible to read.

While there's no telling if and when these updates would be made, we'll be (impatiently) waiting!

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