Adding Vegetables to your Diet...
We all know we should be consuming two to three servings of vegetables per day and sometimes it just isn’t that easy! Here are some great tips to help develop some positive, lifelong habits!
- Eat more of the best vegetables, less of the rest. In general, colorful dark green, deep yellow, orange and red vegetables have far more nutrients than the pale ones. Therefore, if you don’t like pale zucchini, summer squash and cucumbers, don’t work hard on acquiring a taste for them. Instead, concentrate your efforts into having more broccoli, spinach and winter squash - the richly colored, more nutrient-dense choices.
- Keep baby carrots and cherry tomatoes handy in the front of your refrigerator for easy snacking.
- Include lettuce, tomato and green or red peppers on your sandwich or wraps. Better yet - have your sandwich in a lettuce wrap!
- Always keep a baggie of cut-up veggies handy to snack on when you are on the go.
- When all else fils, eat fruit to compensate for lack of vegetables!
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