Thursday, August 19, 2010

OK, for those of you who know me will be amused by this blog!  I have a very difficult time dealing with gum chewers!  Or should I say, those who let it be know that they have gum in their mouth!  I personally think it is such an unflattering and annoying habit.  I have been know on occasions to ask someone to please remove their gum or talk to me when they are finished.  Enough said!
I have started experimenting with gum!  So far, no one has detected my chomp!  I chew gum to freshen my breath and sometimes to suppress my appetite before a meal!  I make sure it is sugar-free and my choice lately has been cinnamon.  
The good news is that in recent years chewing gum has been linked to some health benefits, preventing cavities, reducing plaque and strengthening the teeth!
So go ahead and chomp away, but do it in a quite, considerate way!

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