Friday, August 6, 2010

Eat Healthy on a budget…

I am still working on this and believe me – it hasn’t been easy!  Nutritious foods can be very expensive, so here are some ideas to keep healthy without going broke!

Plan ahead and think in bulk.  Not only will this be easier on your wallet, it will also give you some extra time!  Write out a weekly menu, cook in larger amounts, make them into portions and either have for leftovers in soups or casseroles, or freeze for future meals.  You will also be more likely to consume less fat and sodium and fewer calories thinking ahead and cooking at home!

Hit the freezer aisle. You'll be amazed at the wide variety and low prices of frozen produce and basic lean protein. Stock up on them, that way they will be in the freezer and you have no excuses! BTW, you don't even have to defrost those chilly berries - I eat frozen fruit straight from the bag and also use them in our smoothies! 

Plant a garden.  I can’t even begin to tell you how much we save in the summer with our fresh herbs, tomatoes and peppers growing on our balcony!  I always find it outstanding how much you pay for fresh herbs at the market!  

Buy produce in season.  It will be much cheaper!  You can also consider going more local as a sustainable alternative!  It used to be you could find great deals at the weekend farmers market, but I have been feeling that lately they are pricing themselves out and it has become a very expensive endeavor!

Look for cheaper proteins.  Beans and lentils are nutritious alternatives to meat once in awhile.

Take the long view.  A bag of apples may be more expensive than a bag of cookies, but consider this:  you are not likely to eat more than one apple in a single sitting.

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

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