Monday, August 30, 2010

Pumpkin Seeds a great stress fighting snack....
I know, summer isn’t even over yet and I am thinking about the fall and pumpkins!  I can’t wait to start seeing the gourds at the farmers market, cleaning them and utilizing those seeds.  Roasting them and spicing them up, add them to your salads or just eat them as a snack!
Pumpkin seeds are loaded with stress-busting potential thanks to high levels of magnesium. Only about 30 percent of us meet our daily magnesium requirements, placing the rest of us at a higher risk for stress symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, tension, fatigue, insomnia, nervousness and high blood pressure. (Basically we’re frayed wires, and magnesium is the electrical tape that can pull us back together.) A quarter cup of pumpkin seeds gives you half your day’s magnesium requirements.
Other smart sources of magnesium: Spinach, Swiss chard, black beans, soybeans and salmon.

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