Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Watch TV without being a couch potato...
I loved this article from the Sunday Chicago Tribune!
The average American watches about five hours of TV a day.  Instead of being a total couch potato, fitness experts say, try some of these moves to torch calories at the same time:
Keep equipment on hand. Stash small weights, resistance bands, yoga mats and fitness DVD’s in your TV stand or someplace you can easily grab them during your favorite show.  If you have a treadmill, stationary bike or any other equipment, go ahead and set it up in front of the TV.  (In the winter, I catch up with programs while I am on the treadmill)
Take advantage of commercials.  If you get up and move during each break, your exercise minutes will add up quickly.  (might be a good reason to stop fast forwarding through the commercials)
Create competitions.  See how many sit-ups, push-ups, crunches or jumping jacks you can do during a commercial break and try to top your best number every time.
Wear a pedometer.  Walk or jog in place throughout a show - or just during commercials - and track how many steps you take.  You can also do some shadow boxing.
Sit on a stability ball.  This will help improve balance and posture and work abdominal muscles - as opposed to the couch, which does nothing for you.
Fidget.  People who move around even while they’re sitting can burn hundreds of extra calories a day.  Tap you feet, shake your legs, stretch your arms and rotate your neck regularly.  (I wonder if knitting count!)
Clean.  Get some house work done during commercials.  Dust the room you’re in or other rooms and see how much you can finish before the break is over.
Thank you Shmooh our cat for the photo op!

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