Thursday, August 26, 2010

Foods for Healthy Skin...
Oh those amazing omega 3‘s!  So many health benefits and also so wonderful for your skin!  Salmon and sardines are both an ideal food for many reasons, but as far as your skin’s concerned, there’s only one that matters: It’s among the world’s greatest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Those are the essential fats that, along with bolstering the cognitive powers of your brain, concentrate in the walls of your epidermal cells to help lock in moisture. Plus, in one study, researchers supplemented two groups of mice with either omega-3 or omega-6 fats. After two weeks, the skin of the omega-3-fed group exhibited a 20 percent faster recovery rate from exposure to ultraviolet light. That gives salmon two crucial skin boons: keeping your skin from looking dry and helping it battle the dangers of excessive sunlight.  
I am so glad I am acquiring a taste for sardines!  I saw them again at whole foods and grabbed them fast!  Bob cleaned them, then grilled them with just some salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon!  Oh, so yummy!  It also took me a long time to go near salmon.  Now, I must eat salmon at least once if not twice a week!  
I was fortunate to be very active outdoors this whole season, and I feel confident that all the omega-3’s have helped my skin survive some of the extra sun that I encountered!

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