Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year...
2011 was a great year!  I have maintained my weight, picked up some speed with my running and all in all feel GREAT!  We found some new products and got re-acquainted with some old!  Just to name a few, Torani sugar free flavored syrups, Multi Grain Sandwich Thins, Baked Lentil Chips, Chia Seeds, Farro, Roasted Seaweed, Panera Bread Cafes, Roasted Tomatoes, Sardines in a can, The Oatmeal secret (February blog).  I did a half marathon, got a new bike, the Bosu Ball and I am moving more side to side! 
 Let’s see what 2012 has in store - Cheers!!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stress Eating...
Wow!  Yes - that has been me the last two days!  I was more under control today, but yesterday - OUCH! Now that I have been maintaining, and keeping a journal, I am so much more in touch of what is going on day to day and sometimes moment to moment!  Believe me, I love having a 3 day weekend, but sometimes the after effects aren’t so fun.  Tuesday was not easy!  It is end-of year now and I had triple the amount of work to get through the last two days!  Low and behold - I got it done, but I did pay some consequences!  I left home Tuesday very early and did not have breakfast - big mistake!  So when people started getting into the office and bringing with them the cookies and other stuff they didn’t want to be tempted with, I lost my willpower!  Cookies for breakfast - OH MY!  I would have thought I would be too busy to start searching out the temptations, but they were comforting! Today I was better and felt more under control!  So there - I admit it - I hit a bump in the road!  I’ll just have to do better the next day and workout harder!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

OK - I finally got my Garmin forerunner 210!  It is out of the box, charged up and ready to go!  I only hope I can have it all figured out before I go out and run this weekend!  I don’t consider myself too technically challenged, but this might have me beat!  I am lucky - I have Bob!  I do like to try and figure these things out on my own first!
I am excited that the weather forecast still looks promising for the New Year weekend!  It is still hard to believe that Chicago doesn’t have snow on the ground yet!  Most of all I am excited to try out my Garmin and hopefully it will keep me motivated throughout the New Year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Beef Heart...
Bob and I always make Christmas Eve a special event.  This year our main course was beef heart!  Bob ordered it from our favorite butcher at Gepperth’s Meat Market.  Who knew it was going to be so huge, the size of a volleyball!  To say the least, half of it went in the freezer!
After trimming the little bit of fat away, Bob marinated it overnight in shallots and Italian flat leaf parsley.  Before grilling he adding 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and of course salt and pepper taste.  The outcome was delicious!  Beef heart is very lean, 3 ounces is about 140 calories! As Bob would say “eating the heart of an animal imbues you with its’ spirit”  It must have been a very good beef!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Cleaning Up After a Holiday Party...
So your house is trashed after your big holiday party. On the bright side, an hour spent cleaning up will burn about 218 calories. After an hour and a half's work, you'll have earned yourself one or two glasses of wine!
I don’t know about you, but I make sure everything in my house is clean and sparkling so that I can start the New Year off on a clean slate!  That means at least 4 hours of cleaning and scrubbing - watch out bottle of wine and perhaps a glass of Champagne!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Mele Kalikimaka, Happy Hanukkah...

"Give yourself one meal a week.”  Not a big fan of that quote, but I agree that any Holiday dinner is only one meal, not a three day long event!   It has been a very rough few weeks with the Holiday parties, pot luck lunches and all the Holiday cheer!  Bob is preparing an amazing Christmas Eve dinner for us! For our one meal, I am going to savor every morsel and that’s it!  Doesn’t mean I will eat like crap for the whole day. Before you eat something think, 'If it’s not worth it, don’t waste it.' If someone says, 'You have to try this cake it’s awesome!' Ok, maybe it’s worth the calories. But picking at a bowl of pretzels—that’s not worth the work you’ll have to do to take it off.  I haven’t said this in a long time - remember to think meal to meal!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Like almonds, walnuts are rich in heart-healthy antioxidant vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium, but they really shine thanks to a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Just one quarter-cup serving contains nearly 95 percent of your daily dose.
How they help: Walnuts lower LDL cholesterol, help regulate blood pressure, and protect against excessive clotting and inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids are antiatherosclerotic, meaning they help prevent (and may even reverse) atherosclerosis, the progressive thickening and hardening of the artery walls created by fatty deposits. In other words, omega-3 fats are the "good fat" you've heard about, and they're fantastic at fighting deadly atherosclerotic heart disease.
Snack smart: A good portion of the nutrients in a walnut is found in its skin, so go for whole, raw nuts with the skins on. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids three to four times a week is a good thing -  so just grab a handful and munch.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Myth: You’ll Burn More Fat if You Don’t Eat Before a Workout...
Exercise normally burns away your glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves, and when you’re done burning those, you’ll start dipping into your fat stores for energy. It's true that when you’re already running on empty, you burn fat right away, but you’ll likely run out of steam before your workout is over or end up ravenous and grabbing whatever food you can find in an attempt to refuel afterwards!
Remember - energy comes from calories. A study from the University of Birmingham compared two groups of cyclists—some ate before their workout and the others fasted. While the group who fasted did end up burning more fat, the group who ate cycled at a much higher intensity than the fasting group, and burned more calories. A person needs fuel to run, just like a car, so find the foods that give you the energy to work out at your hardest.  
Depending on the workout I am about to do, depends on what I eat.  I am bad - during the week when I workout before work, which is pretty early in the morning, I tend not to eat!  On the weekends when I know I am going to do a long run or before a race, I will have either a small bowl of oatmeal or a quick sandwich made with almond butter and smear of jam on a whole wheat sandwich thin!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Myth: Eating after 8:00 p.m. Makes You Fat...

Eating after a certain hour won't necessarily mean you'll pack on pounds, just as staying out after midnight won’t turn you into a pumpkin. This Cinderella-esque fat fairy tale continues to exist, but the bottom line is that your metabolism doesn't know what time it is!  Skip the mad rush to consume as much food as you can before the clock strikes 8:00. Calories are calories, no matter when you eat them, but what does matter is what and how much of it you eat. Late-night snacking gets a bad rap because often the foods that are consumed late at night are calorie-dense foods (chips, ice cream, pizza, and other junk food) and may be in excess calories to your daily caloric needs, which translates to weight gain.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Simple Tricks to Estimate Serving Size...

Take the guesswork out of portion sizes when you are out and about with these 2 easy references!

A serving of cooked pasta (about 1/2 cup) should match the size of your fist!

The only time your bank balance won't suffer when you take out your checkbook: when you're measuring it against a 3-ounce serving of fish!  LOL - this isn’t the best reference for me - I never carry a checkbook anymore!  For me it is the size of my eyeglass case or 3 credit cards!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Navigate Holiday Parties Like A Pro...
There's a good chance you won't have enough splurge meals in your arsenal to cover all the holiday parties you attend. This is fine; it just means that you need to navigate them properly!  First, don't stand by the food and socialize; it encourages mindless snacking. Put some food on a plate and then mingle somewhere else.  Party food is traditionally a nutrition minefield but there are almost always a few healthy options in the mix. Fresh cut vegetables are standard party fare, as well as shrimp cocktail (a great source of lean protein). Opt for these vegetables and protein-based foods and steer clear of the piles of crackers, creamy dips in bread bowls, and bite-sized puff pastry hors d'oeuvres stuffed with cheese.
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Myth: Fruit Has too Much Sugar to Eat for Weight Loss..

With all the sugar that is added to processed foods, the sugar in fruit is the least of your worries. Getting rid of fruit means you are losing out on valuable vitamins and nutrients that your body absorbs easily since they're found in their natural, whole state. Eliminating fruit from your diet when trying to lose weight makes no sense.  You’ll miss out on a whole lot of filling fiber, which studies have directly linked to long-term weight loss, and you may be more likely to reach for other processed, empty food items instead. 
In the beginning, I had to eliminate fruit from my diet altogether because my blood sugar was so high!  I gradually allowed fruit back into my eating routine and I also stay away from most of the tropical fruits.  Apples, grapefruits and berries are my best friends :).

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Abs-olute Truths...
Rumor - crunches alone will contour your core.
Reality - This old go-to does strengthen the rectus abdominis.  But, to sculpt your entire middle, you need to do moves that fire up the obliques - the muscles along the sides of your wist and the transverse abdominis - the muscles that run horizontally across your belly, too.  Add planks and twist to add to the mix for a well-rounded plan!
BTW - This is probably my last day commuting to work by bike!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Intermittent Fasting...
It’s getting to be that time again, the New Year Resolutions!  Of course one of the most popular of resolutions is - going on a “diet”!  There are so many out there and the question is - do they work or is it just a quick fix? This intermittent fasting really scared me!  
At first we were told to eat three square meals a day, no snacking. Then eating five to seven "mini-meals" every 3-4 hours was best for keeping our metabolisms going strong all day long. Now, it appears that "starvation mode" doesn't set in as quickly as we thought, and abstaining from food completely for periods usually ranging from 18-36 hours is considered one of the best things you can do for your health. The takeaway: Do your homework and talk to your doctor or a nutrition expert before you try any extreme diet techniques in the New Year. The best plan for you is the one that fits your lifestyle and schedule.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Doctors Results...
I just got my lab results back from my annual doctors visit - passed with flying colors!  My Cholesterol was a little high BUT my LDL (good cholesterol) was so low it actually put me in the “protective” range.  Wow!  Feeling great!

Friday, December 9, 2011

The more time you spend gabbing, the less time food and drinks are going into your mouth.  The next few weekends are all filled with Holiday gatherings, a good time to catch up with friends so just keep talking!  
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Iron on Tap...
I got to say - I do enjoy beer every now and than, probably more often than I should!  If you are going to indulge, indulge in a heartier stout beer!  According to a recent analysis published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, dark beers contain significantly more iron - 121 parts per billion (ppb), compared to 92 ppb for pale brews and 63 ppb for nonalcoholic beers - a key building block for red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the blood.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

All Boxes Are Not Created Equal...
Let’s not have any back injuries this season after attempting to lift a box that was heavier than expected. The culprit is typically a smaller box that looks deceptively light because of its size. Don't fall for it! One safety tip is to lightly kick or push the box with your foot to determine how heavy it is before you commit to the lift. Muscles get injured from altered weight differences because your core stabilization muscles are not fully engaged in preparation for the movement.  Also, remember to always lift with your hips, not your back. Proper lifting technique is crucial in preventing low back pain. How you lift makes all the difference in how much your back ends up disliking you. The average person who is not skilled in proper lifting techniques will simply bend over at the waist and pick something up without a second thought. Bad idea! This is what causes most low back injuries.  All I have to say is “squats.”

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dine in slow-mo...
You know me by now - I am always looking for more ideas to slow down instead of chowing down!  Try this - Make sure you’re the last one to start eating and also the last person to finish. Do this, and it might help you slow down and chew your food properly instead of inhaling what’s on the plate, and more. Eat this way and you’ll actually take in fewer calories at your meals because, you’ve heard it before, you are much more conscience of knowing when you are full!

Monday, December 5, 2011

NEW - Tofu Shirataki Noodle...
Macaroni!  I am a big fan of the angle hair, I use them all the time in our Asian style of cooking!  Now the macaroni could open up some new doors for other alternative recipes!  
Yes, this low-carb pasta swap is a bit "bouncier" and slightly more slippery than conventional noodles, but if you eat lots of pasta (or want to eat lots of pasta!), give these noodles a try. You can find them in the refrigerated section where the tofu is stocked, floating in bags of liquid. Don't be scared! Follow the directions on the back!
"Tofu Shirataki is a great pasta alternative made from blending the root of the Konnyaku -- a member of the yam family -- and tofu. It is a healthy, uniquely textured noodle. [It] pleases people of all ages!"
House Foods Tofu Shirataki Noodle Substitute
PER SERVING (4 oz., 1/2 bag): 20 calories, 0.5g fat, 15mg sodium, 3g carbs, 2g fiber, 0g sugars, 1g protein

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dress The part...
Ha Ha - this is definitely going to help me!  Make a few changes to your party outfit, and you’ll beat the temptation to overindulge. At a cocktail party, carry a clutch instead of a purse. With a cocktail in one hand and your handbag in the other, you won’t be able to reach for too many hors d’oeuvres. Also, zip into a form-fitting dress or your tightest jeans it’ll be your biggest reminder to not revisit the food table for seconds.
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Break the Sugar Cycle...
I have to keep reminding myself of this because sweets are my downfall and I can easily spin out of control!
The Splurge: Those dreams of sugarplums dancing in your head may be more like a nightmare brought on by too many sweet treats. While experts used to dismiss the notion of sugar addiction, a growing body of research suggests that the sweet stuff can hijack the same brain circuitry that's affected by drugs and alcohol, leading to a vicious cycle of cravings and binges. And holiday desserts with high levels of both sugar and fat provide a double whammy. The sugar hooks you, while the fat piles on the pounds.
The Solution: Eliminate desserts that are rich in sugar and fat for at least 3 days--7 to 10 would be even better. This will help quell cravings while you start to reestablish a taste for naturally sweet foods, such as fruit and starchy vegetables.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Switch Things Up...
During your strength training lift one set of heavier weights than you’re used to. And on your walk or run, add backward walking and sideways shuffling in one-minute bursts. You’ll challenge your muscles in new ways, work them at a variety of angles, and improve your balance. These things will tone you up and burn extra calories.  Just a few ideas I am going to start incorporating during the winter months!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I finally had the occasion to try these sugar free syrups!  I am not much for flavored coffee, but, these hit the spot for a festive Thanksgiving brunch.  I couldn’t make up my mind so I got the Pumpkin Pie and the Salted Caramel.  The pumpkin pie had rich flavor of pumpkin pie filling with complements of nutmeg, cinnamon and other warm spices.  The salted caramel had the richness of buttery caramel which is brought to new heights with a pinch of salt.  Both have zero calories but the salted caramel does have 95mg of sodium! Yum!  I think I have to have another cup of festive coffee!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Pie Info...
Thank you Shape Magazine...I think this picture tells the perfect story!  We still have five weeks of “Holiday” to contend with!

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Leftovers...
Turkey, turkey everywhere!  My favorite is Bob’s vegetable, turkey soup!  Bob made sure he made plenty of turkey stock this season, that means we did have two turkeys!  What else can I say, turkey, the stock, your choice of vegetables and Voila!  Soup! 
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!