Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stress Eating...
Wow!  Yes - that has been me the last two days!  I was more under control today, but yesterday - OUCH! Now that I have been maintaining, and keeping a journal, I am so much more in touch of what is going on day to day and sometimes moment to moment!  Believe me, I love having a 3 day weekend, but sometimes the after effects aren’t so fun.  Tuesday was not easy!  It is end-of year now and I had triple the amount of work to get through the last two days!  Low and behold - I got it done, but I did pay some consequences!  I left home Tuesday very early and did not have breakfast - big mistake!  So when people started getting into the office and bringing with them the cookies and other stuff they didn’t want to be tempted with, I lost my willpower!  Cookies for breakfast - OH MY!  I would have thought I would be too busy to start searching out the temptations, but they were comforting! Today I was better and felt more under control!  So there - I admit it - I hit a bump in the road!  I’ll just have to do better the next day and workout harder!

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