Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Intermittent Fasting...
It’s getting to be that time again, the New Year Resolutions!  Of course one of the most popular of resolutions is - going on a “diet”!  There are so many out there and the question is - do they work or is it just a quick fix? This intermittent fasting really scared me!  
At first we were told to eat three square meals a day, no snacking. Then eating five to seven "mini-meals" every 3-4 hours was best for keeping our metabolisms going strong all day long. Now, it appears that "starvation mode" doesn't set in as quickly as we thought, and abstaining from food completely for periods usually ranging from 18-36 hours is considered one of the best things you can do for your health. The takeaway: Do your homework and talk to your doctor or a nutrition expert before you try any extreme diet techniques in the New Year. The best plan for you is the one that fits your lifestyle and schedule.

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