Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year...
2011 was a great year!  I have maintained my weight, picked up some speed with my running and all in all feel GREAT!  We found some new products and got re-acquainted with some old!  Just to name a few, Torani sugar free flavored syrups, Multi Grain Sandwich Thins, Baked Lentil Chips, Chia Seeds, Farro, Roasted Seaweed, Panera Bread Cafes, Roasted Tomatoes, Sardines in a can, The Oatmeal secret (February blog).  I did a half marathon, got a new bike, the Bosu Ball and I am moving more side to side! 
 Let’s see what 2012 has in store - Cheers!!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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