Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolution Time...
It can be an inspirational time of year, the beginning to think of some new goals! The top 4 goals are quit smoking - DONE, loose weight - DONE, exercise more- DONE and get more organized - DONE!  Ha Ha, it sounds like I am just about perfect!  Well I do have a few pounds of Holiday weight to take off and there are still some areas I would like to tone up a little more.  My ideal goal this year is try to find some time to cook a little more and to find some new healthy recipes! 
I just read in the paper yesterday that it takes approximately 66 days to develop a habit!  Approximately 3 months to break some bad habits, bring on the good ones!  3 months isn’t a long time at all, I don’t know about you, but 2011 simply FLEW by!!!  3 months and things will start feeling second nature and will be more of a routine than a chore.  I would love to hear from anyone, what their goal or goals are and how they are progressing in April!  Good Luck!

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