Thursday, January 12, 2012

More on New Year's Resolutions...
Think evolution not revolution. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a fitness goal.  You can build a stick house in a day, but it will only protect you until the very first storm hits. Don't get caught up in all the short-term hype—invest in the long term.
Simplify. You don't need flashy clothes, expensive equipment or a complicated plan—you just need to take action, get moving and make it fit your lifestyle.
Be realistic.  It's okay to think big, as long as you start small. The number one reason for resolution drop out is launching into doing too much, too soon and making too drastic a transition from where you were when you started.  Start with getting in one workout, and then focus on the next and the next. Focus on what you can do today, and go from there.

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