Friday, December 23, 2011

Mele Kalikimaka, Happy Hanukkah...

"Give yourself one meal a week.”  Not a big fan of that quote, but I agree that any Holiday dinner is only one meal, not a three day long event!   It has been a very rough few weeks with the Holiday parties, pot luck lunches and all the Holiday cheer!  Bob is preparing an amazing Christmas Eve dinner for us! For our one meal, I am going to savor every morsel and that’s it!  Doesn’t mean I will eat like crap for the whole day. Before you eat something think, 'If it’s not worth it, don’t waste it.' If someone says, 'You have to try this cake it’s awesome!' Ok, maybe it’s worth the calories. But picking at a bowl of pretzels—that’s not worth the work you’ll have to do to take it off.  I haven’t said this in a long time - remember to think meal to meal!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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