Wednesday, December 7, 2011

All Boxes Are Not Created Equal...
Let’s not have any back injuries this season after attempting to lift a box that was heavier than expected. The culprit is typically a smaller box that looks deceptively light because of its size. Don't fall for it! One safety tip is to lightly kick or push the box with your foot to determine how heavy it is before you commit to the lift. Muscles get injured from altered weight differences because your core stabilization muscles are not fully engaged in preparation for the movement.  Also, remember to always lift with your hips, not your back. Proper lifting technique is crucial in preventing low back pain. How you lift makes all the difference in how much your back ends up disliking you. The average person who is not skilled in proper lifting techniques will simply bend over at the waist and pick something up without a second thought. Bad idea! This is what causes most low back injuries.  All I have to say is “squats.”

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