Monday, February 28, 2011

What is the correct way of eating fruits...
Thanks Mom - this is really interesting!

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat.  Most of the time I usually have fruit as a mid-morning and/or mid afternoon snack!  I do love my berries and yogurt for dessert after dinner!
It means not eating fruits after your meals!  Fruits should be eaten on an empty stomach!

If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.  
Fruit is one of the most important foods. Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.  In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil.  Also, the fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence the one of the causes of bloating! 

Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will not happen if you eat fruits on an empty stomach.  If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight. 
It’s worth a try!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mortars and Pestles making a comeback... 

Our new food toy!  The mortar and pestle provide a true hands-on cooking experience.  It makes us feel more in touch with our food!  By grinding some of our spices and seeds, I feel they are so much fresher and they release so much more flavor!  Using one of our old coffee grinders did the trick, but this is more fun and you get to use some muscle!  Spices have become a huge ingredient in our cooking and I know I have mentioned it time and time again - just keep experimenting with different flavors!  You really can't go wrong!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar...

I use apple cider vinegar in many of my salad vinaigrettes!  It has zero calories and adds an extra little snap to my dressings!  (Make sure you only use the natural, organic variety of apple cider vinegar,the sparkling clear variety will have practically no health benefits ) But, did you know it can also be used as natural remedies for;
Indigestion and Heartburn
It almost goes without saying – but consider why you’re getting heartburn in the first place. Did you overeat? Too much grease or spicy food? Eating late at night? Scout out the cause and try to stop this before it happens. Then, put down the antacids.
The belching, bloat, and heartburn caused by indigestion come about because you don’t have enough stomach acid to do the job right. A spoonful or two of apple cider vinegar will help break down the excess food that is causing you trouble and bring your stomach back to balance.
Athlete’s Foot
It’s a foot fungus, and it stinks. Air those piggies, then soak them in salty water, wash them with garlic juice, or soak them with diluted white or apple cider vinegar. All of these things will help kill the fungus.
But you have to be persistent, consistent, and diligent: No matter what treatment you use, do it a few times a day and stick with it until at least a week after you think the symptoms are gone! Fungus excels at hiding out and coming back 
Have you looked at the ingredients in dandruff shampoo? It seems like they contain almost everything in the toxic ingredients you must avoid list. Better to try something natural first before resorting to chemicals. Many people swear by rubbing aloe vera gel onto the scalp (leave it on for 20 minutes than rinse it out). This will certainly help with dry, itchy scalp.
Another remedy is a rinse with apple cider vinegar. Try these remedies a few times before deciding if they work for you. Even dandruff shampoo requires regular use to see results, so give the natural stuff a chance! you least expect it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Most of us tend to focus on the muscles along the front and back of our bodies (our abs, thighs, and butt), while neglecting the ones along the sides-the middle deltoids (shoulders), hip abductors, and obliques. Include exercises for these muscles at least once a week, try lateral shoulder raises, side leg raises, and oblique twists.  You'll not only look more sculpted, you'll also develop stronger, more stable joints, which can help prevent injury and even improve your weight-lifting form which is beneficial for your whole core!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Winter, Skin and Diet...

Ha ha - it’s no coincidence that the dude who represents the harshest season of the year is called Old Man Winter—chilly weather is brutal on the skin. The cold air and arid indoor heat break down your skin’s protective barrier, making it blotchy, flaky, older-seeming. Dry, rough, scaly skin stops light in its tracks.

For that dewy, I-just-got-a-facial skin year-round look, get a good moisturizer that’s right for you.  And don’t forget to hydrate at night, too. Before bed, smear on an anti-aging night moisturizer to do double duty.

Best of all - keep in mind, your diet could also be to blame!  You’re already religious about face cream but still suffer from parched skin, overloading on carbohydrates and sweets can add years to skin’s appearance. Excess sugar binds to proteins, which results in damage to elastin and collagen, that makes your skin dry, brittle and less springy.  So instead of that third cupcake, munch on skin-protecting antioxidants like those found in green tea, berries, and dark-colored vegetables such as kale, beets and broccoli. Just another great excuse to eat healthy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Waist circumference...

I think this is extremely important to know, while not a direct measure of heart disease, a high waist circumference tracks with increased risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes—all of which have a direct impact on heart health. And the bigger the belly, the heavier one tends to be. Obesity, of course, is a well-known risk factor for a range of diseases, including heart disease.
Importantly, a higher waist circumference indicates distribution of fat around the abdomen and packing fat around vital organs, which research has indicated is more dangerous than carrying weight in the thighs or buttocks. Be sure you're measuring properly. The correct waist circumference measurement is taken by wrapping a measuring tape around the natural waist at the belly button, not around the hips.
Bottom line: Men should have a waist circumference of less than 40 inches. The figure for women is less than 35 inches.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tomato-based pasta sauces...

A jar of spaghetti sauce typically runs $2 to $10, and they are loaded with unnecessary sodium and sugar and other additives! The equivalent amount of canned tomatoes is often under $1.  Suggestion: Make your own sauces from canned crushed tomatoes or fresh tomatoes — particularly in the summer, when they are plentiful, tasty, and cheap. Last summer our tomato plant didn’t give us an abundant amount, but wow, people at work were bringing in bags and bags from their gardens and I was the tomato whore!  Bob took those tomatoes and made tons of sauce that we froze for future use!  The easiest method is to put crushed tomatoes (canned or fresh) into a skillet, your favorite herbs, and if you want you can add whatever chopped vegetables you like in your sauce — peppers, onions, mushrooms, even carrots — and let simmer for an hour.  We keep ours pretty simple with garlic, basil and of course tomatoes!  We can always add more to it, depending on what we are using the sauce for, you can always adjust the flavors before serving. 
TRY: Spraying a cooking sheet with olive oil, cut up some tomatoes, give them a quick spritz of olive oil and roast for 20 to 30 minutes at 425˚F before making your sauce, it will give the sauce a nice roasted flavor! Delicioso!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Individual servings of anything...

This was perfect for me while I started out my quest for healthy eating!  Remember, I had and still have a lot to learn!  The recent trend to package small quantities into 100-calorie snack packs is a way for food-makers to get more money from unsuspecting consumers. The price 'per unit' cost of these items is significantly more than if you had just bought one big box or bag of your favorite healthy treats!  You just have to remember not to eat the whole bag or box!!
Now I do buy the big box or bag and then parcel out my own single servings and store them in small, reusable storage bags.  I have my big bag of almonds and Pirates Booty, portion it out and I always have a snack on hand!  My new favorite snack is roasted, unsalted peanuts in the shell - I find I eat even less of these because I have to un-shell each peanut.  A 3 pound bag lasts me weeks!  Ha Ha, I only eat these at work because they do create quite the mess!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Defining runner's high...
I liked this article!

The notion of runner's high itself has its critics, in part because what any one person means by "high" is impossible to quantify. Although some people feel euphoric after their daily workout, others find the experience gratifying but hardly exhilarating. People who feel especially good may simply be releasing more endorphins; on the other hand, their state of bliss could also be related to improved body image, a sense of accomplishment and a host of other factors ranging from an enhanced immune system to oxygen deprivation.
Most likely, credit for the feel-good effect - reportedly prompted not just by running, but by just about any other intense cardio exercise -  has to do with a number of body chemicals and systems that constantly interact. Feeling a rush points to the involvement of the hormone adrenaline, adrenaline evolved as part of our fight-or-flight response to stress, and it's what gives us that geared-up feeling. 
The satisfaction associated with exercise probably also involves dopamine. This chemical messenger turns on the brain's reward system and makes people want to repeat enjoyable experiences, everything from munching chocolate or having sex to running, drinking or using illicit drugs.
Exercise for me is almost like a drug!  I can really feel the effects, emotionally and physically and a huge difference within myself, especially when I don’t exercise. Believe me, there are days that I just want to linger in bed, and it is such an effort to get up and go.  There are also those days that my body is also telling me it does need a rest and I do oblige!  But all in all, when I am at my best with eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis, I feel centered and just plain GREAT!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I have fallen in love with fennel!  If celery and black licorice were to hook up and have a baby, the perfect name would of course have to be fennel!  A staple in Mediterranean cooking, this vitamin C-rich member of the parsley family adds crunch and sweetness to salads.  But when braised, roasted or grilled, the bulb softens and mellows! 
It is one of those vegetables that when I see it in the market - I get it!  I just don’t get to the market that often, yes I am spoiled, but come on - Bob does work at Trader Joe’s!!!  It really does add a nice complex flavor to just about anything!

Monday, February 14, 2011

In with the Good, out with the Bad....
OK - the birthday celebration is just about over!  It seems to be just about a month long celebration this year!  A few more dining out occasions, but nothing that I can’t handle!  The good news is - All the bad is out of the house!!!  The weight gain was minimal.  2 birthdays, less than 2 pounds!  A few extra miles on the treadmill and being very careful of what I eat should get me back on track in no time!  Looks like we are going to have a warm spell this week, I hope to get outside and run over the weekend! Piece of cake - oops - obviously I ate too much cake :).  It was the most unbelievable chocolate flourless cake from one of our favorite restaurants!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Today is Bob’s birthday...

Another special menu planned - this time at home!  This menu is centered around two bottles of wine we got on our trip to Napa!  We are each having our own porterhouse steak with grilled asparagus.  That of course is the healthy part of the meal!  Need I mention some cheese and pate to start, the wonderful popover recipe from BLT and an awesome flourless chocolate cake recipe from Mon Ami Gabi!  The main course will be featured around a Cabernet Sauvignon from Laird - Mast Ranch and the chocolate desert has to be Clos Pegase, the Portico.  OK - time to get on the treadmill, looks like I will be spending a lot of time on it over the weekend!!  Birthday recovery!

Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Food Myth: Chocolate bars are empty calories...

Dark chocolate is a health food

Cocoa is rich in flavonoids—the same heart-healthy compounds found in red wine and green tea. Its most potent form is dark chocolate. In a recent study, Greek researchers found that consuming dark chocolate containing 100 milligrams (mg) of flavonoids relaxes your blood vessels, improving bloodflow to your heart. And remember: Milk chocolate isn't as rich in flavonoids as dark, so develop a taste for the latter.  
Dark Chocolate can also help your mood - to be more positive!
Research shows that dark chocolate can improve heart health, lower blood pressure, reduce LDL cholesterol, and increase the flow of blood to the brain. It also boosts serotonin and endorphin levels, which are associated with improved mood and greater concentration. Look for chocolate that is 60 percent cocoa or higher.
There are those days that I just need to have something more than fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth and I will seek out a piece, a small bite size of dark chocolate to cure that craving!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Standing Abs...

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your chest, elbows bent and palms facing each other.

Pull your abs in and lean forward and to the right, using the same motion as you would when doing a regular crunch. Repeat to the other side.
Thank you Maris Miller and Shape Magazine!  These are great to do while I am waiting around for a pot to boil! Just keep on moving as much s possible!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It’s My Party....

As much as I would love to take this week off from blogging because I do have the perfect excuse - it’s my Birthday, I know I can’t because this blogging has turned into my own personal therapy and I know I need to STAY FOCUSED as much as possible, especially this week!  
My plan this entire week is to eat as many healthy meals as possible, get in as much exercise as possible so I can indulge without too much quilt!  Bob and I are finally going to a restaurant that we have been dying to try - Longman and Eagle!  Watch out - it has all my favorites on the menu!  Bone marrow, sweetbreads, foie gras and pork belly!  My mouth is watering as I write this!  I will not be starving myself all day, but I will be very calorie conscience all day long and all week because Friday is Bob’s birthday and another very special meal planned!  OK - it is also going to be really cold this week - just going outside, I should be able to burn some calories trying to keep warm!  LOL!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Grapes vs. Raisins...

The value of water content becomes clear when you look at two cups of grapes vs. ¼ cup of raisins. Either choice has a little more than 100 calories, but the larger portion of grapes is likely to feel more satisfying.  

It’s always a better idea to ditch the dried fruit for fresh fruit!  Sure, you may know that dried fruit has more sugar than its fresh counterpart, but did you also know that because it has less water volume, it has more calories per serving? Swapping a half cup of raisins for a half cup of grapes will save you 165 calories! 
Still dried fruit has an interesting texture. When used SPARINGLY as a treat, a few raisins or dried cranberries can make a salad more appealing. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

More on Omega-3 food...

If you’re feeling as blue as the skies above, you will be happy to know that a few spoonfuls of the right foods may turn that frown upside down! Whole foods contain vital nutrients that provide both physical and psychological benefits. One of my favorite foods are the fabulous Omega-3 foods, they contain those mood-boosters to help you smile your way to longevity.  Any excuse for me to mention omega-3 foods and how I can’t get enough - especially salmon!
Eat omega-3-rich foods: fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, and herring, flaxseeds, walnuts, and algae
Why? Because omega-3 essential fatty acid maintains healthy brain function and is vital for fetal brain and eye development. Current research also demonstrates the association between intake of omega-3 fatty acids and depression. A meta-analysis study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that depression was significantly improved in patients with unipolar and bipolar disorders after taking three daily fish capsules for eight weeks. Eat the oily fish listed above -- a 3-ounce serving of salmon contains between 1.1 - 1.9 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. Supplementing with high quality fish oil capsules may be an alternative if you don’t consume fish on a regular basis. Vegetarian sources of omega-3 can be found in flaxseeds, walnuts, and algae. Toss a tablespoon of sunflower seeds or walnuts into a creamy cup of unsweetened low-fat yogurt for a mega mood boost! 
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oatmeal secret...
Yesterday was a snow day in Chicago, perfect to start my day with a steaming bowl of oats, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. This fiber-rich superfood can lower levels of LDL (or bad) cholesterol and help keep arteries clear.  I usually opt for the steel-cut oats, but for this recipe I used the good old fashioned rolled oats! 
Here is a great secret that I just heard about and tried - thank you Hungry Girl...
Oatmeal is great, but sometimes the serving size just isn’t quite enough for me!  That's why I am always searching for ways to bulk things up. I made it with at least twice the amount of liquid recommended, cooked it for twice as long, and let it sit for a while until it becomes nice and thick and creamy.  I used a serving of old fashioned rolled oats (1/2 cup-serving size), 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond breeze (only 40 calories a cup!), and 1 cup of water; when it started to thicken, I reduced the heat and let it simmer for about 35 minutes.  The result was a HUUUUGE bowl of oatmeal that was fairly thick, creamy, smooth, and yummy. Only about 200 calories! Go ahead and experiment with other ingredients!  I personally love a packet of splenda and some fresh or frozen berries!  Go ahead and make an extra batch and portion it out for future breakfasts to have on the run!  Don’t go too crazy - remember, oatmeal is high in carbohydrates.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bosu Ball Lunges...
These are great for your legs and butt!  
Stand a stride's length behind a Bosu, arms at sides. Lunge forward with left foot onto Bosu.

Push off left foot as you bring right foot forward and jump up, raising arms overhead. Land with both feet on Bosu, step back to starting position, and repeat. Switch legs (lunge forward with right foot) halfway through set.

Don’t stress too much about part “B”.  I was able to do one and it wasn’t pretty! I for one am not that coordinated and right now I am concentrating more on form and staying balanced!
BTW - Blizzard conditions in Chicago!  The weather people actually got it right this time! Snow day - ready for a great workout on the treadmill and bosu ball!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It’s All In Your Head...
I just read two small articles about resisting temptation by using your senses!  Whenever a craving for a bag of chips or a chocolate cupcakes hits, it’s usually all you think about.  But according to Australian researchers, if you focus on the image or scent of something besides food, your desire for the treat lessons.  So try to remember how a rainbow looks or the smell of roses and you might forget about that craving for something bad!  
Another suggestion, if you pillage the pantry while you are cooking, bag your crazing habit and light a peppermint candle instead!  The aroma can stimulate the alertness region of your brain, distracting you from yet another craving for something not health worthy!