Thursday, February 24, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar...

I use apple cider vinegar in many of my salad vinaigrettes!  It has zero calories and adds an extra little snap to my dressings!  (Make sure you only use the natural, organic variety of apple cider vinegar,the sparkling clear variety will have practically no health benefits ) But, did you know it can also be used as natural remedies for;
Indigestion and Heartburn
It almost goes without saying – but consider why you’re getting heartburn in the first place. Did you overeat? Too much grease or spicy food? Eating late at night? Scout out the cause and try to stop this before it happens. Then, put down the antacids.
The belching, bloat, and heartburn caused by indigestion come about because you don’t have enough stomach acid to do the job right. A spoonful or two of apple cider vinegar will help break down the excess food that is causing you trouble and bring your stomach back to balance.
Athlete’s Foot
It’s a foot fungus, and it stinks. Air those piggies, then soak them in salty water, wash them with garlic juice, or soak them with diluted white or apple cider vinegar. All of these things will help kill the fungus.
But you have to be persistent, consistent, and diligent: No matter what treatment you use, do it a few times a day and stick with it until at least a week after you think the symptoms are gone! Fungus excels at hiding out and coming back 
Have you looked at the ingredients in dandruff shampoo? It seems like they contain almost everything in the toxic ingredients you must avoid list. Better to try something natural first before resorting to chemicals. Many people swear by rubbing aloe vera gel onto the scalp (leave it on for 20 minutes than rinse it out). This will certainly help with dry, itchy scalp.
Another remedy is a rinse with apple cider vinegar. Try these remedies a few times before deciding if they work for you. Even dandruff shampoo requires regular use to see results, so give the natural stuff a chance! you least expect it.

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