Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Water Continued...
You’ll Lose Weight...
Why: In a 2010 study of adults aged 55 to 75, drinking two 8-ounce glasses of water before meals was associated with almost four pounds more weight loss in 12 weeks than in a control group who ate a similar diet but didn't have the pre-meal H20. Participants drank an average of 1.5 cups of water a day before the study.
In part, the Virginia Tech researchers say, water is filling, so you feel fuller and eat less. An earlier study found those who drink water before meals consume an average of 75 fewer calories per meal. (Make that twice a day over a year, and that could add up to 14 pounds!) The Virginia Tech scientists also believe the water drinkers began swapping this zero-calorie beverage for sodas and other caloric beverages.
What's more, when you're well hydrated, your body is working closer to maximum efficiency -- enhancing aspects of weight loss, like digestion and muscle function, when you exercise.
Water-drinking tip: For variety's sake, try flavoring your water. Drop some fruit into a pitcher and let it sit a few minutes -- lemons, oranges, watermelon, and berries all work well. Or let an herbal or flavored green tea bag steep in unheated water to accent the taste.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Of all the food and beverage choices you face every day, what's calorie-free, virtually cost-free, and, oh yes, essential to keeping you alive? Plain ol' water. But those aren't the only reasons to drink it.  I found this article and it would be too long for a one day blog so I am dedicating this week to the importance of water!
Water drives basic body performance.  All of the systems in the body require water for proper functioning, and so do 90 percent of all chemical reactions in the body.
It Will Help You De-Stress...
Why: Being sure to sip water throughout a stressful day can soothe stress-induced symptoms as diverse as headaches, tense muscles, fuzzy thinking, a pounding heart, and low energy. That's because stress taxes all your basic body systems -- and when you're dehydrated, the effects are magnified.
Given that more than half your body weight is water, just a 2-percent reduction in hydration has a dramatic impact on energy levels and cognitive function. And dehydration further raises levels of cortisol -- the "stress hormone."
Water won't wash your stressors away. But it can provide you with more energy, ease tension, slow breathing, and reduce the strain on your heart.
Water-drinking tip:  Eight by eight -- eight 8-ounce glasses a day -- is a good general rule of thumb, but it's a myth that's the magic amount for everyone, because there are so many variables. The "right" amount for you depends on factors including your age, your activity level, your health level, medications you're taking, and the weather. So how do you know if you're drinking enough? Follow your thirst, and know that you're on the right track if you have straw-colored urine.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sweet Onions...
One of my favorite recommendations to use when sautéing vegetables—pairing sweet onions with haricot vert (a French green bean), broccoli, kale, or spinach is the perfect way to get more dark leafy greens into your diet during the winter.  Whenever we are sautéing, onions and garlic are always involved!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

An overgrowth of gut-bacteria has been linked to obesity and weight gain, so flourishing your healthy populations of bacteria in the gut with foods like kimchi can help you maintain a healthy weight.  Kimchi is similar to sauerkraut, although many times people might prefer the Asian-like taste with their meals—I have to eat more kimchi!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lifting Heavier Weights Build Strength Faster...
Lifting lighter weights for more reps is great for building muscle endurance, but if you want to increase your strength, increasing your weight load is key. Add compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and rows to your heavy weights and you'll be amazed at how fast you'll build strength.
You'll Feel Empowered - Throwing around some serious iron doesn't just empower women in the movies. Lifting heavier weights—and building strength as a result—comes with a big self-esteem boost. Your strength will not only show in your lean, toned body, but also in your attitude.
You'll Prevent Injury - Achy hips and sore knees don't have to be a staple of your morning run. Strengthening the muscles surrounding and supporting your joints can help prevent injuries by helping you maintain good form, as well as strengthening joint integrity.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Best Choice Isn't Always Obvious...
With the Chinese New Year here, the year of the DRAGON,  I know I have plans to celebrate!  Even some healthy-sounding options can set you back 1,000+ calories. Here’s how to make some waistline-conscious choices. *The following calorie counts are per dish, not per serving, and are approximate because recipes and serving sizes vary from restaurant to restaurant.

Don't Order: Chicken with Black Bean Sauce
There are 800 calories per order—not bad if you split it, but you can do better: It has more sodium (about 4,000 milligrams) than most others.
Order This:  Chicken with Snow Peas
Request that the dish be stir-fried in as little oil as possible and you can keep the calories to a respectable 400. The sodium, while still high, also drops to less than 1,600 milligrams.
Don't Order:  Szechuan Shrimp
Stir-fried shrimp and vegetables in a spicy sauce seems like a guilt- free pick, but the sauce is often oily, meaning your order racks up around 700 calories.
Oder This: Shrimp with Lobster Sauce
You get the same lean, high-protein shellfish—but topped with a broth- or wine-based sauce—for 450 calories. Ask the restaurant to add snow peas or broccoli for an extra hit of vitamins.
I love going to a Chinese restaurant where you can build your own stir-fry.  I pile up the veggies and ask to have them steamed instead of stir-fried.  I get the sauce and brown rice on the side and have a delicious meal!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Fingerling Potatoes...
Potatoes are rich sources of vitamins and minerals—especially the heirloom varieties. Most people are concerned with the starch component of potatoes, but they shouldn't be—the skin of the potato contains enough fiber to help slow the release of starch. And, combined with fresh or steamed vegetables, you're getting almost ½ your daily allowance of fiber in one meal. Fiber is a win-win addition to your winter diet for regulating blood sugar. We add fingerling potatoes many a time to our salads!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Andrea Orbeck...
"Learn to modify menus. Instead of cream cheese or sour cream, use plain yogurt and Stevia instead of sugar because it doesn’t create the same insulin response. When a recipe calls for butter, cut 1/3 of butter with applesauce instead. Stay away from canned options and instead of white flour use whole wheat sources so at least you’re getting fiber. Multi-task. While you’re standing at the sink doing dishes, use the counter to do a set of squats. Do 50 crunches every morning before you start your crazy day." 
Andrea is a fitness and wellness guru who works with Heidi Klum and many Victoria’s Secret angels - I like her philosophy!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Go By the Number...
Stop eating when you’re at a 5 or 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is famished and 10 is Thanksgiving full). When you stop at 5 or 6, chances are 20 minutes later, you’ll feel like a 7 or 8. This tactic is great for parties and vacations—and could save you lots of calories per meal.  I really have to practice this more often - it isn’t easy!!!  I am a member of the clean your plate club!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I HAVE TO CHANG MY WORKOUT RESOLUTION!  I forgot to take in consideration that Thursdays are nearly impossible for me to work out until I start commuting by bike again!  Thursday is the day I am at work at 6am!  If I don’t have plans, I might try and get a work out in in the afternoon, but for the most part that would be a bonus for me!  My new pledge will be 314 days!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Japanese study found that the substance that gives vinegar its sour taste and strong odor might fight fat. "The study found that in overweight individuals who consumed 1 or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily for 12 weeks had significantly lower body weight, BMI, visceral (belly) fat, and waist circumference than the control group that didn't consume any vinegar," Palinski says. “Researchers feel this may be due to vinegar's acetic acid, which may switch on genes that pump out proteins that break down fat.  All my dressings are vinegar base - NO OIL!  You can add just about anything, herbs, citrus, mustard - just go for it!

Monday, January 16, 2012


"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper," is an old saying that rings true to this day. Often, we ditch the breakfast routine in order to catch an early bus or to cut back on the calories. Some even find it hard to will themselves to eat that early in the day. But hear you me, friend: Breakfast is not the enemy. 
Skipping breakfast not only completely ignores your body's needs, but it also deprives it of so many positive benefits. Eating later in the day can ruin your body's chances of burning off unnecessary fat, consequently putting yourself at risk for obesity, heart disease, and robbing your brain of intelligence. It really is that serious. 
While eating breakfast alone will not help you magically shed the pounds, it may help your emotional relationship with food (and that invariably affects your weight). Prolonged fasting can increase your body's insulin response, which increases fat storage and weight gain. Breakfast also helps to prevent overeating and attempts to sate desperate hunger with quick fixes like doughnuts and vending-machine snacks.  I always have hard boiled eggs and a piece of fruit on hand in case I am in a hurry to get out the door and it happens at least once or twice a week!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Stay Focused...
Make small changes. It's unrealistic to think that you'll suddenly eat perfectly balanced meals every day, start running several miles daily, and drop fifteen pounds by February. If you set your expectations too high, you're more likely to get frustrated and give up. Work on improving one meal each day, and try to get in some sort of activity daily (whether it's taking your dog on longer walks or using the stairs instead of the elevator). Then gradually make more improvements to your diet and exercise routine.

Plan ahead. It's all about being prepared for those days when life throws you a curveball. Check the online menu before you head out to a restaurant. Keep your fridge and freezer stocked with guilt-free staples for quick and easy meals. Remember, the best defense is a strong offense!

Have fun! I know, you're probably thinking, "Since when is weight loss fun?" But it can be. Be adventurous and try some new guilt-free foods. Reward yourself for hitting weight-loss goals. It's all about finding ways to keep yourself motivated.

Don't be too hard on yourself. We're all human and nobody's perfect. It's okay to splurge every once in a while on the foods you crave. Then jump right back into things at your next meal. No harm done.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

More on New Year's Resolutions...
Think evolution not revolution. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a fitness goal.  You can build a stick house in a day, but it will only protect you until the very first storm hits. Don't get caught up in all the short-term hype—invest in the long term.
Simplify. You don't need flashy clothes, expensive equipment or a complicated plan—you just need to take action, get moving and make it fit your lifestyle.
Be realistic.  It's okay to think big, as long as you start small. The number one reason for resolution drop out is launching into doing too much, too soon and making too drastic a transition from where you were when you started.  Start with getting in one workout, and then focus on the next and the next. Focus on what you can do today, and go from there.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Spice Up Your Treadmill Training...
The Hill Climb
Gradually increase your speed until you're at easy-run pace. Run for three minutes. Raise the incline to 2 percent for one minute, then to 4 for one minute. Lower the incline and rest for one minute. Raise to 4 percent and run for two minutes. Alternate running two minutes at an incline/jogging one minute on the flat for as long as you can.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dash Diet...
If you haven't already heard of the DASH diet, chances are you will in the future. Promoted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet has just topped the U.S. News and World Report "Best Diet" list, a category that was just created last year.
"I think the DASH diet is really more than a diet," says Dr. Sarah G. Khan, DietsInReview.com's resident pharmacist who specializes in diabetes management. "It's a complete lifestyle change that focuses on lean meats and proteins, low fat, low sodium, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. It's just an all-encompassing bag of good choices." 
Of course this sounds GREAT - it sounds like common sense to me!  And once again we have the key words “LIFESTYLE CHANGE”!   It really is all about commitment, knowledge and finding out what works for YOU!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome to the New Year...
 A time of resolutions and renewed goals. And for many of us, this means eating smart and making better choices. 
Ditch the strict "diet" mentality. Say you have an off day (or week); it's too easy to get discouraged and give up. Thinking of being ON or OFF a diet can really derail you. So do the best you can when making food choices, but be realistic: No one's perfect. If you have a bad day, oh well! Just jump right back on that wagon. Beating yourself up = a bad idea.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Am I the only person alive to not know this?  Peanuts are NOT a nut!!!!!  It’s not a fruit, a seed or a nut - it’s a legume!  I had no idea!
Peanuts form when the pollinated flowers of the peanut plant bend over and insert themselves into the ground, so that the emerging legumes come to maturity down in the dark.  The hulls are papery and fibrous, not hard (as with nuts).  And what you eat - that is, the little seed inside - are about like the seeds inside any other bean, a soy Bean or pinto bean, even like the seeds inside a green bean.
Peanuts aren’t the only ones that are not nuts:  
  • Brazil nuts, cashews, pistachios and pine nuts are seeds.
  • Macadamia nuts are kernels.
  • Almonds are actually the seeds of drupes - that is, related to peach, nectarines and cherries.
  • Coconuts are themselves drupes.

Maybe I am the only one that’s NUTS!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Roasted Cauliflower...
I love cauliflower, but was getting so bored with just steaming it!  Bob and I went out to dinner and tried an appetizer of roasted cauliflower and walnuts!  Yum!  Had to go home and try it and had very scrumptious results and oh so easy!  I pre heated the oven to 350.  I sprayed a sheet pan with olive oil.  Broke up my head of cauliflower into florets, gave them a quick spray and seasoned with pepper, a hint of salt and some other fun spices we have!  Let them roast until they are golden brown, we like them really golden!  What a great new side dish of vegetables!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Workout Resolution...
I am committing to doing “something” for 365 days!  I stared a log and I am going for it!  It might be just a 2 mile run or weight training, or my commuting by bike to and from work.  It just needs to be some activity that requires 20 minutes!  Even if I have to get off the bus half way home and walk or maybe find 20 minutes at lunch to go out for a walk!  I got my workout tracker spreadsheet right off my Apple computer.  My new Garmin running GPS watch also gives me great info and logs all my outdoor running days!  Since we don’t have any snow yet, I have been taking advantage of the great outdoors on the weekends!  Hopefully I will be proud to post my results December 31, 2012!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Diet Methods - Beware...
As healthy as it is for you to take off those excess pounds, it is equally as important on how you achieve it! There is so much out there now to inspire people to lose weight.  The most import thing is to find something that works for you!  The latest fad is the Paleo Diet!  This requires eating like a caveman!    You don’t have to go to extremes, but if becoming a vegetarian, or eating like a caveman works for you - go for it!  I feel like I have reached a happy medium for maintaining my weight lose.  I pretty much treat each meal differently!  As much as I try to plan things in advance, sometimes there might be an obstacle, and I just have to make adjustments for the next meal! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolution Time...
It can be an inspirational time of year, the beginning to think of some new goals! The top 4 goals are quit smoking - DONE, loose weight - DONE, exercise more- DONE and get more organized - DONE!  Ha Ha, it sounds like I am just about perfect!  Well I do have a few pounds of Holiday weight to take off and there are still some areas I would like to tone up a little more.  My ideal goal this year is try to find some time to cook a little more and to find some new healthy recipes! 
I just read in the paper yesterday that it takes approximately 66 days to develop a habit!  Approximately 3 months to break some bad habits, bring on the good ones!  3 months isn’t a long time at all, I don’t know about you, but 2011 simply FLEW by!!!  3 months and things will start feeling second nature and will be more of a routine than a chore.  I would love to hear from anyone, what their goal or goals are and how they are progressing in April!  Good Luck!