Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Creative Ways to Improve Eating Habits... 

Making positive changes to your diet isn't always easy. Luckily, some food-industry folks are getting crafty to help put you on the right path! Unilever Food Solutions has put together a report for restaurant owners outlining a concept they call "seductive nutrition." (Oh my...) The report proposes healthy menu improvements (more veggies, smaller portion sizes, and lower calorie, fat, and sodium levels, to name a few) and recommends appealing ways to market the dishes, with terms like garden fresh, crisp, and big flavor. Smart thinking! And we all know drinking water is good for us, but did you know that it could actually help you eat more veggies? A recent study looked at the connection between sweetened drinks and vegetable intake. Researchers found that people were likely to pair soft drinks with high-calorie foods rather than vegetables and that children actually ate more veggies while drinking water as opposed to soda. So make water your beverage of choice with all of your meals; you just might trick yourself into making better food choices! 

Thank you Hungry Girl for this great information!

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