Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve...

For me - it is more about toasting the old year away!  Bob and I will be having a special dinner tonight with a great bottle of wine!  I have never been a big fan of NYE!  I will probably fall asleep way before midnight, but I told Bob I am setting my alarm this year and having my good luck Hoppin' Johns, (black eye peas and this year will be with wild rice) at 12:01.  

Cheers to 2013 and have a very safe New Years Eve and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

(you can read more about Hoppin' Johns from my blog on 1/1/2010.)

Friday, December 28, 2012


Pasta lovers, it’s time to throw an Italian feast: Now you can enjoy your noodles for 20 calories and 5 carbs (and some brands have even less of both!) per serving. Shirataki noodles are made from the konjac plant, the same plant that we get the fiber and satiety supplement glucomannan from—read: They keep you full. Shirataki don’t have much flavor and come in every shape from angel to fettuccine to penne and more, so you can use them in any pasta recipe. Just take them out of the bag, rinse thoroughly, and heat, and they’re ready to toss into whatever you’re craving!  I will be having them tonight with an assortment of vegetables I cooked up and portioned out a few weeks ago!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Make Your New Year's Resolutions Successful...

A new year is right around the corner and that means a new list of – in far too many cases – the same old New Year's resolutions. Every year at around this time, millions of people around the world resolve to improver their lives beginning Jan. 1 – and for most, their resolutions die sometime within the first few months, if they get off the ground at all.
What can you do to make this year different? What can you do to make sure your New Year's resolutions stick? Here are five ways to keep your 2013 resolutions while avoiding some of the common pitfalls that have struck down your resolutions in year's past.
Think It Through: One of the biggest mistakes resolvers make is jumping into a resolution without thinking it through. Sure, you can resolve to start working out, lose weight, quit smoking, eat healthier or be more patient with your kids – but words are just words unless they're supported by sensible actions. And sensible actions require a sensible plan. Resolving to exercise? Think about how many days per week, whether to go to the gym or work out at home, potential hurdles / challenges that may come up, and other factors. Resolving to be more patient? Map out a half-dozen specific ways to do it (think before you speak / act; give yourself a "time out" so you can refocus, etc.). Whatever your resolution, you have to figure out how to make it work or it probably won't work, pure and simple.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Foods that Can Ruin Your Workout..
Could you be sabotaging your fitness success by eating high sodium foods, such as roasted nuts?
Even though nuts are a great snack (and can help with weight loss) most roasted nuts are also salted, and salty foods can disrupt the delicate fluid-balance required for optimal workouts.

I would avoid (high sodium foods) at all costs. Using a little bit of salt in your meals is OK, but stay away from the following foods: beef jerky, salted and roasted nuts, lunch meats, and processed snack foods like chips (you shouldn't be consuming these foods anyway).

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas...

It is not a white Christmas in Chicago!
I will do a light workout, shower and get back into a clean pair of Pajama's!
(painting by me )

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve...

I can’t wait to fill these plates and glasses :)  I always feel so grown up when I set a special table and I love mixing and matching all our china, crystal and flatware from grandparent and great grandparents! It will be our traditional quiet evening at home with a special dinner.  Work has been insane for both Bob and me so we decided to make this dinner as simple as possible!  Bob went to our favorite butcher - Geppharts and got a beautiful porterhouse steak and we saved a special bottle of wine to open.  I was so good over the weekend that I finally saw a number on the scale this morning that I can deal with!  I will partake in a popover! It will be delicious with the wild mushroom medley Bob is preparing!  I am sure there might be a surprise or two as the evening progresses!

Happy Holidays to ALL....

Friday, December 21, 2012

On A Personal Note...

The world didn’t end like the Mayans predicted!  Ha Ha, maybe in the back of my head I thought the myth was accurate and that is why I have been so out of control lately!  No more excuses!  I took the day off from work as a “mental health” day because I just did not want to be around all the tempting food at our office pot luck all day feast!  I know that sounds so bah humbug but I have no will power right now and it isn’t like I can go out and run 5 extra miles to burn the extra calories because my left calf is still bothering me!  It is the busiest time of year at work for me and it wasn’t an easy decision, but I worked some extra hours to get as much done as possible and now I am safe in my house with no temptations!  Off to a great start for the weekend!

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein - I know I have to!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

“How do I keep from inhaling everything in sight at a big holiday dinner?"...

For some reason I am really struggling with this years Holiday season!  That table is likely to be loaded with heavy sides, fatty meats, and starchy dishes. But there are plenty of ways to keep yourself under control. As mentioned before, eating beforehand and drinking water are really important. Also, make exercise a priority before the meal - you'll probably be consuming extra calories, so BURN extra calories too! And bring along a guilt-free dish of your own to contribute - both because the host will appreciate it AND so that there's an item on the table that you don't have to second-guess. Then survey your options before diving in. Fill most of your plate with lean protein and vegetables. (Just watch out for buttery, oily, and cream-covered veggies.) Then take small servings of your favorite indulgent items!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shamrock Shuffle...
I am already signed up for 2 races for 2013!  I  haven’t run the Shamrock Shuffle 8k in years!  It is the race that kicks off the season and I hope I am ready by April 7th!  2012 was not a great “physical” year for me and I hope all the little aches and pains are gone soon and I can concentrate on training!  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Nutmeg is low in sodium and cholesterol and high in fiber and manganese, which is a catalyst for breaking down fats and cholesterol—an important process for weight loss!  Just be sure to use it in small doses, as larger amounts (full cloves) could be toxic. I know when I think nutmeg, I think eggnog!  No No to that and sprinkle some on my baked apples instead!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Survival Guide... 

“I'm going to a holiday cocktail party, and I want to enjoy myself without consuming TOO many calories. Any tips?"
It's completely possible to find a balance here... Before any soiree, always eat sensibly throughout the day, and have a light snack before you head out; this way you'll be less tempted to overdo it on all of those hors d'oeuvres. And drink lots of water, before and during the party - staying hydrated helps you avoid confusing thirst with hunger. Sipping alcohol? Alternate with glasses of H2O, and stick with smart selections: a glass of wine, a bottle of light beer, or a mixed drink made with a single shot of clear alcohol (like rum or vodka) and a calorie-free mixer - like club soda. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

"It's a holiday! You can let loose for one day, can't you?"

What you wish you could say: “Between Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, and Take Your Pet to Work Day, there will always be a holiday to justify a treat if that's what you're looking for."
Try this instead: Remember that food isn't the only way to celebrate. Show people that you can enjoy the holidays in other ways by telling them about the fun things you've done. "Can you believe I went skating today for the first time in ten years? You should have seen me gliding on the ice!"
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Food Pushers" and How to Respond...

What to say to someone who makes your food their business!
The holidays bring out the best and the worst behaviors around the dinner table. And while snarky, knee-jerk reactions to comments like "You sure can put it away can't you?" can be tough to resist, they also fuel the drama that can make your holidays anything but happy. Here are my two favorite perfectly polite response for when someone makes your food their business.
"Why bother with rabbit food? Life is for having fun! Stop being such a health nut."
What you wish you could say: "What makes you think I'm not having fun? Watching you try to pick the kale out of a smoothie is hilarious!"
Try this instead: Challenge them to try it your way. I can teach you some really amazing recipes that are so good, I bet you wouldn't even know they're healthy!" And emphasize the fact that eating healthy makes you feel good! It's much harder to have fun when you're uncomfortable in your clothes!
See Friday for my other favorite!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

New Shoes...
Nothing like a new pair of shoes!  Not necessarily the color I would choose, but, when I was training for the marathon it was all about getting the right pair of shoes, not a fashion statement!  I have been loyal to New Balance and I love the store!  Since I was two months behind in getting the new model, the sales person told me there was no real performance change from the last model and therefore, I saved $30.00!  Nothing like a bargain :).  Now all I want to do is go out on the weekends and run!  It hasn’t been a great year for me physically and now I am experiencing some pain in my left calf.  I am going to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully he will get me on the road to recovery.  I have been successful with a new chiropractor and than a deep, deep, deep tissue message!  Believe me it is nothing like a spa message!  Happy trails!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Spotted on the Shelves...

Fage Total Authentic Greek Tzatziki Sauce - The folks at Fage make some of the BEST Greek yogurt around!  Not that it is a difficult sauce to make on your own, I am still thrilled to learn that they're churning out a low-fat version of a saucy favorite!  Cool cucumber, garlic 'n onion, a little lemon... Yum! A 2-tbsp. serving of the yogurt sauce has 25 calories, 1.5g fat, 45mg sodium, 1g carbs, 0g fiber, 1g sugars, and 2g protein. I might be dipping away, when I need a fast stand by!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Navigating the Holiday Buffet...

Skip: Apple Pie
Pick: Pumpkin Pie

If you have your choices of pies, pumpkin is almost always the better option. Pumpkin pie is lower in calories and saturated fat because it only has a bottom crust, and pumpkin is actually really high in Vitamin A and other nutrients!  For an even lower-calorie option, make no-crust pumpkin pie in mugs or ramekins and top with toasted pumpkin seeds or walnuts!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Help Keep the Holiday Pounds Off During the Season..

A Time of Sharing: If the holidays are about one thing, it's celebrating with friends, family and loved ones. In many cases, you have the opportunity to spend time with people you might not have seen all year or longer. That's the spirit of the holidays, not the food. So enjoy a good meal, to be sure, but spend most of your time enjoying the company of those who matter most and you'll enjoy a guilt-free, healthy holidays that keeps you in shape and ready to roll in 2013!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Trend Alert: Veggie-Inspired Desserts...

Goodbye, chocolate-covered bacon; hello, chocolate-dipped cauliflower! While you may normally think of veggies as something to choke down before moving onto dessert, a new trend of veggie-inspired desserts may change that, according to a report in the latest issue of Food Technology magazine. Classic sweet treats such as carrot cake and sweet potato pie have long been fan favorites, but now pastry chefs are going above and beyond to include flavorful picks such as cucumbers, eggplants, beets, squash, carrots, mushrooms, and tomatoes in baked goods.
From indie vegan bakeries to fine dining establishments, bakers and chefs are using a wide range of chopped, puréed, and shredded veggies in exciting new culinary creations. In some cases, veggies with similar textures can be used in place of fruits, such as replacing apples or pears with eggplant. Other ideas come from cultural influences like serving up desserts like Vietnamese bean pudding and Japanese adzuki bean ice cream, and others from long-held traditions. For example, food historians say that for decades home cooks have relied on naturally sweet readily available veggies, like beets, when sugar was scarce.
With the explosion of interest in nutrition, local and in-season food, and plant-based diets, I predict that this red-hot veg trend will keep on growing (no pun intended).  I wish I was this creative! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I can hardly believe it myself!  it is December 5th and I am still commuting to work by bike!  Maybe Old Man winter won’t come at all!  Wishful thinking.  Anyway, until there is that dangerous black ice - I will keep on riding! I might have another week :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Another reason to love ginger, it can help suppress that hungry feeling!  For centuries, many cultures have used ginger root for its amazing digestive powers. Whether it's in a smoothie or in an Indian dish (sorry, ginger ale doesn't count!), ginger works as a stimulant that energizes the body and improves digestion, thereby making you less hungry.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Travel Light: Airport/Airplane Food News...

Thank you Hungry Girl for some excellent advice on traveling!  I always stress out whenever I travel!  One thing that can make holiday travel more difficult is navigating food options, both at the airport and in-flight. Lucky for all of us, there's a wealth of new and useful info out there, ready to help! First, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has released a report ranking 18 major airports in the U.S. in terms of healthful food options. At the top of the chart? Newark Liberty International Airport! Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport ranked the lowest.  Our pal the Diet Detective weighs in every year on which airlines have the most diet-friendly on-board options, and this year's results are in! Virgin America tops the list, with Air Canada and Alaska Airlines right behind it. The lowest marks went to Allegiant Air. Click for the full report, packed with tons of great info. And to help you through every step of your airline travels, GateGuru is here to assist you! In addition to up-to-the-minute flight details (delays, checkpoint wait times, destination weather, etc.), the free smartphone app provides a list of eateries in each of 200 airports, including the specific locations and even reviews! Not that I am doing any traveling this Holiday season - I did download the app!  Safe travels, everyone!