Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Food Pushers" and How to Respond...

What to say to someone who makes your food their business!
The holidays bring out the best and the worst behaviors around the dinner table. And while snarky, knee-jerk reactions to comments like "You sure can put it away can't you?" can be tough to resist, they also fuel the drama that can make your holidays anything but happy. Here are my two favorite perfectly polite response for when someone makes your food their business.
"Why bother with rabbit food? Life is for having fun! Stop being such a health nut."
What you wish you could say: "What makes you think I'm not having fun? Watching you try to pick the kale out of a smoothie is hilarious!"
Try this instead: Challenge them to try it your way. I can teach you some really amazing recipes that are so good, I bet you wouldn't even know they're healthy!" And emphasize the fact that eating healthy makes you feel good! It's much harder to have fun when you're uncomfortable in your clothes!
See Friday for my other favorite!

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