Thursday, December 20, 2012

“How do I keep from inhaling everything in sight at a big holiday dinner?"...

For some reason I am really struggling with this years Holiday season!  That table is likely to be loaded with heavy sides, fatty meats, and starchy dishes. But there are plenty of ways to keep yourself under control. As mentioned before, eating beforehand and drinking water are really important. Also, make exercise a priority before the meal - you'll probably be consuming extra calories, so BURN extra calories too! And bring along a guilt-free dish of your own to contribute - both because the host will appreciate it AND so that there's an item on the table that you don't have to second-guess. Then survey your options before diving in. Fill most of your plate with lean protein and vegetables. (Just watch out for buttery, oily, and cream-covered veggies.) Then take small servings of your favorite indulgent items!

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