Wednesday, January 30, 2013

2 Races on the Calendar...

Training starts NOW!
I have the Shamrock Shuffle 8K April 7th and the Soldier Field 10 miler May 25th!  The good news is I am able to run again and now I have to step it up!  I did stop riding my bike to work on January 14th.  I can’t tell you how much I miss it.  I plan to be back in the saddle again on February 11th.  It has been a very strange winter - weather wise - one day it is 60 degrees and the next 16!  

I have 2 months to get my miles up!  I haven’t done the Shamrock Shuffle in YEARS!  The 8k will be a great indicator of where I need to be for the 10 miler!  Maybe a 1/2 marathon will be in the works for the Fall! Ha Ha - at 56 I will be the youngest in my age group!!!!

(picture 2011 Soldier Field Finish line)

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