Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Use 2013's Color of the Year
Thank you Shape Magazine - I LOVE this and just heard it again on Good Morning America!

Goodbye, tangerine tango. Hello, emerald green. Every year, Pantone LLC, the global authority on color, watches the trends, designers, and brands to see which colors are making a splash. After conducting polls and research, the institute picks one hue that will act as a sort of "running thread" throughout the tapestry of fashion and design trends. Their pick for 2013 is rich, bold emerald green.
Green is the most abundant hue in nature—the human eye sees more green than any other color in the spectrum.  It’s also the color of growth, renewal, and prosperity—no other color conveys regeneration more than green. For centuries, many countries have chosen green to represent healing and unity.
Growth and prosperity sound good to us! Here is a fun way to incorporate emerald into your lifestyle in 2013.
Eat it!  I know too easy! This as a sign that you should load up on even more leafy green veggies in 2013 than you did last year. And since only about 27 percent of Americans eat the recommended three or more servings of veggies per day, it can't hurt, right? Vegetables don't have to be boring, keep trying different recipes, be inventive!   

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