Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Little Competition Encourages a Lot of Weight Loss... 

Thank you Hungry Girl - I love this!
Competitive weight loss is a serious trend in the diet world, and not just on reality TV, but also in the workplace and online. Last year, a survey of over 500 employers found that more than two-thirds of them offered monetary rewards to employees for adopting healthier lifestyles. Many workplaces set up office-wide team competitions. That's good news, considering  a recent study of over 3,000 dieters found that team support increased the likelihood of weight loss! Online competitions are also picking up steam - this couple won $6,000 for losing a combined 120 pounds. Even pets are getting in on the trend - one UK pet-food manufacturer launched a weigh-in club competition, and the PDSA (also of the UK) crowned its own Pet Fit Club winner (we should enter out cat Shmooh)! If you need a little extra incentive to shed the pounds, competitions like these might do the trick - ask someone in the human resources department if your company offers any healthy-habit incentives, or check out an online competition site like HealthyWage.com. Fair warning: Some studies show that winners are likely to gain back the weight once the promise of reward is off the table. Our suggestion? Use your winnings to support your newfound healthy lifestyle: Buy exercise DVDs, a food journal, and/or some cute workout clothes!

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