Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Well I hate to admit failure, but I failed miserably my workout resolution 2012!  I vowed I would work out and do something, big or small everyday!  That did not last long!
Take Small Steps: In many ways, New Year's resolutions have taken on a black-and-white quality; either you're not resolving to do anything or you're resolving to do big things, instantly. Unfortunately, life isn't that simple, and the overwhelming majority of resolutions involve behaviors / patterns that are difficult to change overnight. The problem with this all-or-nothing mentality, of course, is twofold: It sets us up for failure at the first sign of a challenge ("I resolved to work out three days a week, every week, and already I've missed a few days!") and it ignores the small steps that are just as, if not more important in accomplishing the big step.

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