Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Still Riding My Bike....
This is probably the last week of commuting to work by bike!    I Still can't believe I am riding in January! The unfortunate thing is I could probably keep riding but the Chicago Transit Authority decided to increase the monthly transit pass to $100.00 a month.  I needed to get in on it now because it is the last chance to take advantage of the $86.00 for the 30 day pass!  I know this might sound cheap, but they raise the prices and we have less frequent buses!  Actually, that is one of the reasons I started biking to work - my way of boycotting the CTA!  Bonus - I get the extra 7 miles of daily exercise!  If this winter continues to be this mild - I am hoping to be back in the saddle in February!  I am definitely considering snow tires!  

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