Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Money-Saving Weight Loss Tip...
Begin With The End In Mind: Whether it's deciding how much weight you want to lose or how much money you need to save, it helps a great deal to know where you want to end up. Once you know exactly where you want to go, you can create a specific step-by-step action plan to get there. For example, if you want to lose 15 pounds before your class reunion in 10 months, you'll need to lose about 1.5 pounds per month. If you want to take a $3,000 vacation one year from now, you'll need to save $250 a month. Knowing where you're going also helps you track your progress!

Take action: Take a look at your specific end goal and deadline, and then do the math. Calculate exactly how much money or weight you'll need to save or shed on a monthly basis to help keep yourself accountable during the process.

Monday, April 29, 2013

More About Your Vitamin D...

Vitamin D has earned its way into the spotlight, and rightfully so. Research has confirmed the importance of vitamin D to our health, and it's likely that we are just beginning to understand the diverse ways this nutrient, actually a hormone, supports our body. We do know that it plays a vital role in the proper synthesis of bone, supporting our skeleton along with calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K, and keeping it strong and healthy. Vitamin D has also been identified as a key nutrient to support optimal immune system functioning.  A great way to get your vitamin D is from natural food sources such as egg yolks, liver, salmon, tuna and sardines, just to name a few!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Another Craving Cure...

Most cravings are actually signals from our bodies that we are dehydrated, but we misinterpret them as hunger pangs. By some estimates, 80 percent of people are chronically dehydrated. So before you reach for food to nix your cravings, quench them with some water. Then wait half an hour. More often than not, they'll be gone!  Great way to start thinking about drinking more water - I know I keep trying to make a more conscience effort!e.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Food Cravings and What They Might Mean...

Is it the saltiness of potato chips, the cool creaminess of ice cream, or the rich flavor of chocolate? Whatever you're longing for, it may be your body's way of letting you know you're missing valuable nutrients. Here's how to decode your cravings.

I have the sweet tooth problem! If you crave sweets, you may be experiencing blood sugar fluctuations. Yo-yo-ing sugar levels cause spikes in insulin production, which can put you at risk for type 2 diabetes.

Instead, choose a piece of fruit—preferably one that's not loaded with natural sugars. And, in general, choose more high-fiber foods like beans and legumes and complex carbohydrates like whole grains.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What Happens to Your Body During a 30-Minute Run?
I know this is a long one - but as a runner so interesting to me!  Thank you Active!
Running is a great sport to get in shape, burn some steam, and build muscles. But, have you ever wondered what your body goes through on a 30-minute run? Whether you're a newbie or an experienced runner, notice how your body changes from beginning to end next time you hit the pavement. Understanding what your body goes through will help you become a stronger runner.
The First Few Seconds of Your Run
As you begin to run, your muscles start using adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy molecules your body makes from food. Trust me, using ATP is a great thing.
That surge of adrenaline is the ATP converting to another powerful molecule, adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Your muscle cells will change ADP back into ATP after that initial surge.

The First 90 Seconds of Your Run
During this time, you'll be establishing your stride. In order to release more ATP, your cells begin to break down glycogen, a form of glucose (fuel) stored in your muscles. Cells will pull glucose directly from your blood, which results in lower blood sugar levels. 
As your body uses more glucose and your muscles unleash lactic acid (also known as 'the burn'), your brain will alert you that you're under physical stress. Don't panic. It's not a bad thing.
The Next Few Minutes of Your Run (and Beyond)
If you're a new runner, this is where it may become tricky to maintain your running pace. Don't give up. Keep pushing yourself. Your heart will begin to beat faster. Blood will start to moves toward your muscles and away from other organs that are not requiring energy. It takes an influx of oxygen to make the best use of your glucose at this time. At this point, you'll begin to breathe heavily.
Once you feel comfortable in your stride (remember you were establishing it in the previous step), your gluteus maximus (also known as your butt), legs and core, work to keep your form controlled, and upright. Your hip joints will extend so your feet can push off the ground. In short, you'll be running. 
The burning of glycogen and oxygen tends to spike your body temperature. This is when you'll begin to sweat. Again, don't panic. Your sweat glands release moisture to keep you from overheating.
Within 10 Minutes of Your Run
If you've been exercising regularly, your muscles and their ATP supply will be ample. Your body will be able to efficiently move oxygen and burn fat and glucose.
But if you're new to exercise, your ATP supply might not be able to keep up with the high demand that running places on your body. You will be fighting the oxygen-producing process. Lactic acid will begin to overwhelm your body, making each minute more cumbersome than the last. Keep pushing.
In this situation, the best thing to do is slow down to a jog. Once you feel OK, then pick up the pace to a run again.
After 30 Minutes on Your Run
Take a bow! It's over. As you slow down and start walking, your energy demand will lessen and you'll begin to breathe normally.
Believe it or not, you may feel pretty accomplished and energized at this moment. That's because your body is producing the mood-elevating hormone called dopamine—the 'feel good' hormone. The increased levels of dopamine may lead to less food cravings—it's a win-win situation.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Did you know... 

That eating water is as important as drinking it? I know, eight-glasses-of-water-a-day rule couldn’t be any clearer. But the thing is that your body does not retain a lot of that water, while the secret to retaining water is by eating it! 

The suggestion is to eat more foods that have large quantities of water, for example watermelon (97% water) and zucchini (95% water). Cucumbers, carrots, squash and bell peppers will also work. The cells can more easily absorb the water from food since it comes along with other nutrients.

Just start eating more fruits and vegetables and stay healthy and beautiful!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Pearly Whites...
Prevention is the best medicine for your smile. Although fillings, crowns, and professional whitening can make your teeth stronger and brighter, it's better (and cheaper!) to avoid cavities and stains in the first place, by brushing, flossing, and—last but not least—eating right.
Summer berries, especially strawberries,  contain malic acid, a natural enamel whitener. Here's how to make your own at-home whitening treatment: Crush a strawberry to a pulp, mix it with baking soda, and spread it on your teeth using a soft toothbrush. Five minutes later, brush it off, rinse and voila: a whiter smile. (Be sure to floss, though, as tiny strawberry seeds can easily get trapped between your teeth.)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Did you know?

Beside all of its amazing qualities, Vitamin C is extremely important for your skin. It acts like a natural sun protector, prevents photo aging and sunspots by holding back melanin production. Vitamin C plays a huge role in the synthesis of collagen. Production of collagen slows down as we age, though it is important for keeping the skin firm. Vitamin C also helps create scar tissue and ligaments, and it helps your skin repair itself.

Make sure you included enough of Vitamin C in your diet and use special skin care products rich in Vitamin C.

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Worst Diet Mistakes for Your Hair and Nails...

Suffer from limp hair or brittle nails? These unhealthy habits may be to blame!

Just like your skin, your hair and nails are affected by the foods you choose to eat.  And we're not talking about the sheen of those lustrous waves or a hangnail. Both hair and nails can become brittle and dry, and hair can thin or fall out without the right range of nutritious picks in your diet.
"Both are a barometer of how well (or how poorly) you're feeding the body," says dermatologist Jessica Wu, M.D., author of Feed Your Face and skin and beauty expert for Daily Glow, "as well as your overall health."
Both hair and nails are made from the same protein, called keratin, so it makes sense that similar diet choices would affect them both, she explains. Of course, a number of other lifestyle choices also play a role, including smoking, she says, since it reduces circulation and may cut down on the amount of biotin in the blood. Biotin, often added to hair and nail products, seems to strengthen both.
Less research exists to document the impact of various foods on hair and nail health than to illustrate the role of diet in healthy skin. But there are still a few foods to be careful of if you're concerned about brittle nails or thinning hair; fish high in mercury, sugar, high-glycemic foods, high doses of vitamin A, too little protein and a lack of iron and zinc.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Split Squat Rotation...
Best for: Leg, glute, and arm strengthening 
Stand with feet together, holding a 5- to 10-lb medicine ball (you can also use a soccer ball or a stack of books) at chest. Step left foot back and lower into squat with right knee bent. Push into right leg, straightening both legs while twisting torso to push medicine ball over right shoulder; return to previous position. Continue for 30 seconds; switch sides and repeat.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


OK - you know I have been somewhat obsessed with TBL this last season!  
The Biggest Loser Season 14 winner Danni Allen may have made her home a “safe zone” by eliminating white flour, white bread, chips, ice cream, and other less-than-healthy foods, but it doesn’t mean it’s an indulgence-free zone! The 26-year-old, who dropped 121 pounds to beat Jeff Nichols for the title by less than a pound, shared the top treat she learned to make while on the ranch. 
Sorta Sorbet
“I mix Greek yogurt with Crystal Light made with Truvia so it’s all-natural. I freeze the mixture. It’s like sorbet after an hour.”

Monday, April 15, 2013

Ida Skivenes: The Artist Who Recreates Famous Paintings on Toast...

I saw this article and thought it was so creative!  This Pablo Picasso was my favorite!  Norwegian artist Ida Skivenes takes playing with food to a whole new level. The 29-year-old artist has never attended art or culinary school, but was inspired by her love of food, art, and photography to start recreating famous paintings on her breakfast toast. "It was a great chance to exercise my creative side while also engaging people in eating healthy fun food," she says. She posts pictures of her Art Toast Project, as well as snapshots of other art she makes from food, on Instagram, where she has more than 94,000 followers. Then she eats her creations. "This isn't an art project as such," she explained to Yahoo! Shine. "I make actual breakfasts and am very carefully when it comes to reducing unnecessary waste.

Friday, April 12, 2013

I am on vacation in Louisville, on the Bourbon Trail....
Until Monday-Keep thinking protein and veggies and for me - a few sips of bourbon!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Airline Charges By Weight, Discrimination???

Subconsciously I am writing about this because I am flying today!  Instead of the dreaded weigh-in at your doctor's appointment or Weight Watcher’s meeting, you now could have a new place to hate the scale: The airport. Samoa Air has become the first airline in the world to introduce a "pay as you weigh" price plan for its passengers.
In an era where huge baggage fees and and two-seat purchase policies for some overweight passengers are the norm, this could seem like a good solution. "People have always traveled on the basis of of their seat, but as any airplane operator knows, airplanes don't run on seats, they run on weight," Chris Langton, CEO of Samoa Air, told  ABC Radio in an interview.
Samoa Air is a smaller airline serving the South Pacific region with planes that hold fewer passengers than major international airlines. "Particularly the smaller the aircraft that you're in, the less variance you can accept in terms of the differences of weights between passengers," Langston added in the interview.
Not helping the issue, Pacific Islanders are a notoriously overweight population. With 80.4 percent of Samoans having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher it is the sixth fattest nation in the world, according to Forbes.  Hum!  What do you think?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Yay!  I did it!  Chicago has considered the Shamrock Shuffle 8K the kick off race for the season.  This year it sold out at 40,000 people!  I go t to say, I haven’t done this race in years because it got so big!  I was dreading the huge crowd, but GREAT job Bank of America - it was really well organized and I might even do it again next year!  Official time - 49:49.  Now the serious training begins for the Soldier Field 10 miler!  I am half way there!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Portobellas and More Mushrooms as Food Expanders...

Why Mushrooms? One large portobella mushroom or a cup of chopped mushrooms has roughly 20 calories, a gram of fiber, and nearly 2g protein. Fungus power!

What Can They Expand? Mushrooms are especially good in meat dishes. The texture and taste work perfectly.  Use mushrooms to create bulked-up burgers, Bolognese sauce, beef fajitas, and meatloaf.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Think Spice ...
I am a big fan of spices!  Before you buy another bag of something that looks as if it belongs in a bird feeder, consider this: Just a pinch of oregano can turn even grilled cheese into a disease-fighting dish.  Technically, spices are vegetables in concentrated form, like veggies, they contain thousands of healthy phytonutrient compounds, including antioxidants. But spices are calorie-free and require no prep. Pop the tops on these eight pronto. 

Health Perks

Think of dried oregano leaves as miniature salad greens.  One teaspoon contains not only six micrograms of bone-building vitamin K but also the same amount of antioxidants as three cups of spinach. And preliminary research indicates that oregano can help fend off stomach flu. Bacteria often hitch a ride on the food we eat, and oregano may keep them from multiplying and making us sick

Friday, April 5, 2013


Clams contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and zinc. Omega-3s support healthy metabolism and prevent inflammation (a contributor to insulin malfunction in conditions such as insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome) And zinc helps keep blood glucose levels normal, which is critical with weight management. 

I am going to try and convince Bob to make me his wonderful pasta (whole wheat of course) with clam sauce Saturday night!  I have my first race on Sunday and for some reason race = pasta!  

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Brand-New No-Guilt Cheese Wedges from The Laughing Cow! 

I don’t know about you, but I am a big fan of these cheese wedges and I am on the lookout!  Anytime The Laughing Cow releases a new flavor, I get seriously excited. That cow knows her way around a cheese wedge! And there are TWO new spreadable flavors hitting stores this month.

The Laughing Cow Light White Cheddar - This is a perfectly fitting addition to the lineup - I can’t wait to spread it on my afternoon apple snack!  ENDLESS are the possibilities! Each wedge has 35 calories.

The Laughing Cow Smooth Sensations Cream Cheese Spread 1/3 Less Fat in Chive & Onion - AHHHH! Another classic and creamy flavor joining an already excellent bunch. Try this on a celery stick!  Each wedge has 45 calories.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Triceps Swings...

Best for: Eliminating "bat wings"
How to do it: Lie faceup with feet on floor, knees bent, a 5-lb dumbbell in each hand. Keep them a few inches off floor. Keeping arms straight, raise left arm over chest while right arm stays over head. Lower to start and repeat. Do 15 reps with left arm, then switch sides.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Thicken with Cauliflower...

I love cauliflower and next time we want a “creamy” soup I am going to try this!  The mashed cauliflower low-carb fanatics eat instead of mashed potatoes can also be used to make creamy soups.  Add extra of whatever veggie you will be using in the soup at the beginning, then remove some once it’s cooked, puree until smooth, and return it to the pot, adding a cup at a time until the soup thickens!. Cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, and white beans all work well. You can even sub the pureed veggies for cream, but be sure to get them to a very smooth consistency by blending with some broth.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Chill Out with Edamame...

Keep a bag of organic edamame in your freezer, and use the little green beans as ice cubes in your smoothie for a good plant-based source of protein. Just a quarter cup contains about 3 grams for 30 calories.  It is getting to be smoothie time for me and I can't wait to try this!