Friday, May 31, 2013

Non-organic potatoes...

It's unrealistic to purchase everything organic, but if you can swing buying a few foods that way, make spuds one of them. Although you're not told to eat organic potatoes as often as you are say, apples, it's just as important.  They're heavily sprayed and they're root vegetables, so they take up a lot of the pesticides and fungicides.  They've been shown to have a high concentration of everything.  Good to Know!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

You Ate It? Negate It!...

Summer Indulgence!
Before you take a bite of your favorite treats, learn what you would have to do to burn off their calories!
The Lobster Roll has become extremely popular in Chicago - It is appearing on menus all over town!

Every Picture Tells A Story!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Soldier Field 10 Mile Race...

My official time - 1:42:25!  Yay!  I was able to average a 10:15 minute mile.  I am thrilled, and what I love the most is that I was 59 out of 172 women in my age group!  Being that this race is always held on Memorial Day weekend, the charity was Salute, inc.  an organization dedicated to helping our veterans and their families.  Thank you troops for making races like this possible!  Now the question is - do I go for a half marathon in the Fall?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

One of the herb's medicinal properties comes from the antioxidant eugenol. Recent lab studies found that this compound sparks anticarcinogenic activity in cervical cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct.  We are a little behind planting our her garden for the summer.  I just can't wait to have my fresh basil right at my finger tips!

Monday, May 27, 2013


My secret ingredient!  I love these sweet and hot peppers.  I use them in my salad dressings for that extra kick of flavor.  We also love to stuff them for simple appetizers!  Easy to do with a low fat goat cheese, add some fat free Greet Yogurt, I love to add a touch of lavender.  Mix it all together and pipe it into the peppedew.  Voila - a delicious bite!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy Memorial Day Weedend...

Memorial Day is a time to honor the brave troops who've given their lives in service to the USA over the years. It's also the unofficial start to summer - an ideal occasion for a cookout with friends. Just remember to watch some of the calories you might want to endure!  Anything grilled is the safest bet!  I know I can easily do a burger without the bun and watch the condiment choices.  Be very careful around the mayo based salads and I bet there will be watermelon or some fruit somewhere in the picture!  I know that is what I would be serving!  Drink lot’s of water and SIP on a beer or a glass of wine - watch out for those sugary high calorie drinks.  

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Yay!  It’s that season again!  This juicy fruit is practically synonymous with summer, and for good reason.  Watermelon is about 90 percent water, low in calories, and antioxidant-rich, making for a super healthy snack or dessert.  Just a plain wedge can be perfection, but it may also be combined as a flavorful ingredient in summer dishes such as tossed in a salad, grilled or in a simple gazpacho!
One cup serving = 46 calories, og fat, 1g fiber, 12mg vitamin C, 865 IU vitamin A, 170mg potassium.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Traffic Jam Workout...

OMG - I drive, but we don’t even own a car!  IF I had to drive and I know how bad the traffic is in Chicago, I would do this exercise!  The tummy tightener - Pull your belly button in as if pressing it back against the car seat; hold and contract for five seconds, then release.  That’s equal to one sit-up!  Aim for 3 sets of ten - depending on traffic!

BTW - it is my 10 mile race on Saturday!  A little nervous!  Details to follow!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Snooze and Lose...
The old “I'm just too tired” complaint may be more than a sorry excuse for waking up late. Research suggests there are biological differences between early larks, who wake up at the same time every morning and feel most active around 9 a.m., and night owls, who get more sh!t done once the sun goes down. One survey found more than half of Americans fall into the morning category,  saying they’re at their “personal best” from 5 a.m. to noon. And it may get easier to greet the day at dawn as we get older, thanks to body clock changes as we age.  I never thought I would ever fall into a morning person!  I am at my best in the AM and I find if I don’t get things done in the morning, it will usually have to wait until tomorrow!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Red Bell Pepper...

This immunity-boosting superstar contains roughly 60 percent more vitamin C--which triggers the production of white blood cells that fight off germs and bacteria-than its green counterpart. It may also keep you looking young: A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with diets high in vitamin C were less prone to wrinkles, possibly because the nutrient spurs the production of collagen.  
Yay!  I don’t really like the green bell peppers nearly as much as I like the red, orange or yellow!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Curried Edamame...

I am going to try this recipe over the weekend!  I will most likely cut the olive oil and add more spices!
This is a nutrient-packed, crunchy alternative to traditional party mix that saves you 7 grams of carbohydrates per 1/2 cup serving and has four times as much fiber. It keeps well in the refrigerator, but it's also good to eat on the go.
3 cup shelled edamame beans
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoon curry powder
1 dash of salt and pepper

Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Toss edamame beans, olive oil, curry powder, salt, and pepper together in a bowl until the beans are thoroughly coated. Spread out on a baking sheet and roast for 15 minutes.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Worst Grocery Shopping Mistake...
Do not go food - shopping hungry!
Researchers from Cornell University had 68 adults fast for five hours and then gave some of them crackers before setting everyone loose to grocery shop. Those who didn't have a snack bought about 19 percent more food, including more higher-calorie foods. The study also found that healthier food choices were made between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. and 4 and 7 p.m.
Clearly this means it's best to grab a snack before shopping. But there are more things you can do to pre-empt the purchasing of high-calories foods and make healthier choices when you stroll down the aisle.
1. Make a list. Start by looking to see what you already have and don’t have in the house, and then plan your meals and snacks for the week accordingly. You might want to put this list in your phone so you don’t forget it (like I typically do) when you walk into the store.
2. Look beyond the ice cream in the frozen food section. No doubt that ice cream is delicious, but it isn’t an item that should be on your grocery list weekly, unless you are really, really good with portion control. If you are like the rest of us, forget the dessert for now and turn your attention to the fruits and veggies, which are a healthy choice. Frozen at peak ripeness, they are great items to keep on hand so you can never use the excuse "I don’t have any veggies in the house." Also once you are savvy with label reading and can decipher the frozen entrees that are healthy, you might find that when you are in a time-crunch, they are a lifesaver.
3. Leave your husband or significant other at home. That would be me!  I am so lucky my husband does 99% of the shopping!  Well, he does work at Trader Joe’s.  Whenever I am with him, yes, more items appear in the cart.  It’s like I have to try some of the new items and of course they aren’t always the healthy choices!  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Seated Moves...

Injured? Stuck at the office? You don't have to give up on your workout!  In fact, you don't even have to leave your desk! There are sneaky seated moves that offer a total-body cardio and strength workout. I know I am going to be stuck at the office a lot for the next 6 weeks!  I am going to start with this one! 
Hinge And Cross: Strengthen your back and abs—all while keeping your lower body engaged—with this toning move.
How to do it: Sit tall with knees bent and together (focus on squeezing inner thighs together for more muscular activation), toes pointed, hands behind head. Brace abs in tight and hinge back until just shoulder blades are lightly touching the back of the chair. Bring body forward, crossing right elbow to the outside of left knee. Return to start. Repeat for 20 alternating reps.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Juice Frauds: What's Really in Your Juice...
100 Percent Fruit Juice ?  The term "100 percent fruit juice" sounds innocent and wholesome, right? Sure - but you have to know what you're looking for. The good news is that 100 percent fruit juice is made purely from the juices of real fruits. And that means you're getting all the antioxidants and vitamins from fruit in one powerful punch. (One study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion even found that kids who drank more than 6 ounces of 100 percent juice had more nutritious diets than their peers.) But there are a few problems with 100 percent real fruit juice: you get way more sugar and calories, for starters. Your glass of 100 percent fruit juice has about twice the amount of calories as a piece of fruit; so, if you're drinking a glass of orange juice, you're getting the caloric equivalent of two to three oranges. And you're not getting the full amount of fiber from 100 percent fruit juice either, as it's stripped away when the juice is processed.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Late-Night Snack Cravings: Where Do They Come From? 

When the Sun Goes Down, the Cravings Pop Up!
Chances are, at one point or another, you've found yourself wrestling with junk-food cravings once the sun goes down. Researchers set out to determine what causes this phenomenon, and the findings are very interesting. A person's internal clock (a.k.a. circadian system) actually increases both overall hunger and specific cravings for sweet, starchy, and salty foods in the evening. It also makes us more likely to skip breakfast and have a big dinner... which is apparently what Sumo wrestlers do to gain weight! Another factor? Artificial light often means we stay up later, leaving us vulnerable to those physiological cravings. And since our bodies store more energy (read: calories) in the evening than they do in the daytime, feeding the night cravings is tied to weight gain. Eeeks! So how do we fight our mean ol' circadian clocks? One doctor from the study suggests the following to sidestep those cravings and avoid weight gain: Eat larger, higher-calorie meals early in the day, and keep dinner lighter and lower in calories. Then turn off the lights, and get plenty of sleep!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Race Day Count Down - What to Eat....
15 days until the Soldier Field 10 miler!  I am even narrowing down what to eat before the race.  I am about to do my final “long” run before race day and last night Bob made me a wonderful pasta dinner!  Yes, pasta!  I still can’t get away from a little carbs the night before a race.  I had  beautiful jumbo shrimp, lots of asparagus, tomatoes, shallots, garlic, red bell pepper, herbs and spices in a reduced white wine sauce over  a cup of whole wheat pasta!  YUM!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fava Beans...

Also called broad or horse beans, these are buttery legumes can be a chore to prep.  You have to break through two layers before you reach the edible part.  But, they are well worth the effort!  I call it a labor of love.  Packed with magnesium, phosphorous and iron, fava beans are also a great source of plant-based protein (13 grams per serving).  Although they are available canned, fresh is best both in texture and flavor!

1 cup serving (blanched) = 187 calories, <1g 13g="" 212mg="" 3mg="" 73mg="" 9g="" fat="" fiber="" i="" iron.="" magnesium="" phosphorus="" protein="">

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows....

A new arm move I am starting - great for that annoying bra bulge!
Grab a 15- to 25-pound dumbbell in one hand. Stand with feet hip-width apart, bend knees, and shift hips back, lowering torso until nearly parallel with the ground. Place right hand on a wall in front of you for balance.
Draw the weight up toward chest by bending left elbow straight up toward the ceiling. Make sure to keep shoulder blades down and together and core engaged the entire time. Do 10 reps on each side.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fish Trumps Fish Oil...

As vital as omega-3s are, your body can't make these nutrients efficiently:  they have to be part of your diet.  And while fish oil supplements are hugely popular, research shows that they may not lower the risk of death from a heart attack, stoke or heart disease.  Your best bet is a rich food source, especially fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Foods to Eat Before a Date...

Maybe I am concentrating on this because Bob and I are having a date night tomorrow for our 24th anniversary!

Nosh smartly before your big night and show up with high energy, a flat belly, and not a hint of nerves!  You want to look as fabulous as possible for every date, even if it’s with your husband and especially on a first date. And all that time you focus on putting together the right outfit, doing your hair and makeup could leave you with little time to think about what you’re eating.
Instead of reaching for anything—or worse, nothing—snack on foods that will help you shine tonight by flattening your stomach, boosting your energy, and eliminating every bit of anxiety. Go get him, girl.
Hummus and Celery - Celery is a natural diuretic (hello, flat belly) that’s low in calories with lots of fiber that will help keep you full going into a date!  Pair three large sticks with 2 tablespoons of hummus, which contains good-for-you monounsaturated fats that can help stabilize blood sugar to prevent unstable emotions.

Dark Chocolate - While regular consumption of dark chocolate can reduce levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) and catecholamines (amino acids that trigger the “fight-or-flight” reaction), having a treat also immediately slashes anxiety. Chocolate may increase serotonin, the feel-happy neurotransmitter in the brain, which is probably why you experience that calm, satisfied feeling. Choose a bar that’s at least 70 percent cacao, and since just 1 ounce is 170 calories, be mindful of your portion size.

Friday, May 3, 2013

0% Greek Yogurt...

It's one of those foods you eat and think, "There's no way this is good for me." It feels so naughty to consume, but really, yogurt is a mega get-gorgeous food! Greek yogurt is packed with calcium and protein to help maintain those beautiful teeth (everyone loves a gorgeous grin). Yogurt also contains natural live active cultures or "good" bacteria that aid in digestion, help boost immunity, and mitigate the effects of lactose intolerance, leading to a flat and "happy" belly!  I don't need any excuses,  I love and can't get enough of yogurt!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Berry Good...

Another reason to love the berries! When you hit the farmers' market for the season's first crop of blueberries and strawberries, consider stocking up.  A new report in the journal Circulation shows that eating three or more 1/2-cup servings a week of either variety can reduce your risk of having a heat attack by up to 32 percent.  It's suspect that anthocynanins, a subclass of flavonoids found in the fruits' skin, help dilate arteries and counter the buildup of plaque.  That makes my summer's approach that much sweeter!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Would Adding Exercise Times to Menus Make You Order Healthier?

Seeing that a quarter-pound double cheeseburger clocks in at 520 calories may make you stop and think before you order it, but seeing that it would take you about 2 hours to briskly walk off your lunch may make you switch to a lighter option!  I would definitely think twice!