Friday, July 22, 2011

Chia Pets Full of Nutrients....
OMG - Too late - I just threw away my Chia Pet and than came across this article!  Who Knew!!!!
Q. What do you think of chia seed?
A.  We think they do way more than grow a head of green hair on a guy made of clay.  Chia seeds (Salvia hispanica) sprout “hair” and “fur” on Chia Pets, but on the healthy food front, they’re a nutrient powerhouse.  Originally chia was the only food stuff the Aztec warriors carried into battle. And for good reason:  Chia seeds are nearly as high in protein as quinoa and as high in omega 3s as flaxseed, but unlike flax, you don’t have to break open the seeds to get all their goodness.  Need more proof of their high health quotient?  When hens are fed chia seeds rather than regular feed, their eggs are significantly lower in cholesterol.
This nutty tasting food of the Aztecs can be stored for long periods and provides quick energy.  It also keeps you regular, because chia is 50 - 60 percent fiber, as well as high in vitamin B, calcium and potassium.  And there is evidence that chia reduces visceral fat, the nasty inner spare tire that can lead to diabetes and heart disease.
Sprinkle the seeds on salads or grind them up and add to whole-grain muffin recipes.  After you sprout your Chia puppy, sheep etc, feel free to eat them (just the green stuff of course).
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 

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