Friday, August 10, 2012

Idle Munching...
I don’t know about you and unfortunately this has been happening to me a little too much lately - I am snacking out of stress and once in awhile out of boredom!  Not that I am not extremely busy at work, but I have to get up from desk and computer every now and then!  And where do I go - I head over to the test kitchen “lab”.  Most of the time I grab a piece of fruit, but there are those days when a fresh batch of cookies come out of the oven - very tempting and I will admit that I sometimes loose that battle (more often than not).  I need to keep some fresh cut veggies on hand!
At home it is easier!  First of all I don’t keep any trigger foods in the house!  I can always find something to keep me occupied and keep my hands busy!  The best thing - give yourself a manicure - that will keep you from touching anything for at least an hour! I have also picked up my knitting needles again, perfect for the watching the Olympics! Sipping on some H@O wit lot’s of crushed ice could also distract you from feeling like you want to eat! Try and wait it out because most of the time you want to munch it isn’t because you are actually hungry!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

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