Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Work, Diet, Weight, and Health: How They're All Connected...

New reports indicate that sitting at your desk, working tirelessly all day long, takes a toll - on your body, mind, and more. One study of working women found that occupational burnout was associated with emotional and/or uncontrolled eating. (BEEN THERE.)  Another shows that among employed middle-aged women, those who work longer hours tend to gain more weight. (ACK!) And still another study found that subjects who engaged in unhealthy behaviors (poor diet, lack of regular exercise, smoking, etc.) had lower productivity levels than employees with more wholesome habits. 

The good news -  according to findings reported in the Journal of Labor Research, subjects who regularly exercised earned a 6 to 10 percent wage increase. All work and no exercise makes you a dull (and underpaid) girl or boy! Take a break, move around, and make sure you're eating right. 

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