Friday, August 24, 2012


My nemesis!  Sugar in all of its forms, with the exception of artificial sweeteners, has a direct effect on your metabolism and energy, All sugar is converted into glucose and fructose, which is absorbed through the small intestines into the blood. Your body uses it as an easy and quick source of fuel, but it runs out quickly (hence the famed “sugar crash”).

The Healthier Approach: Sugar is, well, sweet, and that makes it a key part of some of the tastiest things on the planet: homemade chocolate chips cookies crème brulee, chocolate everything. But it’s also all empty calories, and unless you’re an elite athlete, you’re probably not going to burn all those empty calories off, so you don’t need more from excess sugar consumption. Watch out for the hidden sources that don’t serve any pleasurable purpose: sports drinks, soda, that cache of gummy bears on your co-workers desk you eat because you’re bored.
I also just learned that only 4 grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon of sugar!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

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