Thursday, August 9, 2012

Olympic Appetites...

I don’t know about you but I have been obsessed with the women’s beach volley ball!  Our American girls, the Gold and the Silver!!!!  I love these two!

Misty May-Treanor, 34, beach volleyball player and three-time Olympic medalist

What’s your favorite power food?
My favorite power food is Greek yogurt and honey. Before soccer games when I was little, my dad would make me have a spoonful of bee pollen and honey. He told me it would give me energy.

Do you have a sort of food mantra or philosophy that guides your eating?
The more colorful the food the better. I try to add color to my diet, which means vegetables and fruits. If I need the sugar or something my body is craving, I’m not one to steer away from eating it.

Kerri Walsh Jennings, 33, beach volleyball player and three-time Olympic medalist

How has good nutrition improved your performance? 
When I eat every 3 hours I can focus better, feel stronger, last longer.
Describe your food philosophy?
The greener the better. My husband and I are both professional athletes and we're parents now, and that's definitely affected the way we eat and the way we think about food because we want to put the best things in our children. I've heard this so many times and it sounds so cheesy, but "feed the rainbow of colors" and you're doing yourself and your body a lot of good.

What do you eat before you compete?
I eat a lot of almond butter and honey sandwiches throughout the day, because that keeps me satisfied.

Are you concerned with good or bad carbohydrates?
Yes. I don't want to have a lot of refined sugars in my diet so I try to pay attention.

And what's your biggest eating challenge?
Eating. It sounds silly because I truly do love food, but I pack my kids' lunches and sometimes I don’t get to my own, so that’s been a bit of a challenge, but it’s also something I’m really aware of, and I’m working on that.

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