Friday, November 30, 2012

Help Keep the Holiday Pounds Off During the Season...

No Grazing Allowed: It might look like a buffet, but you don't have to treat the holiday meal like one. There's a difference between enjoying a variety of foods and heaping plate after plate with calorie- and fat-laden fare that's sure to weigh you down. Fill your plate, leave some room for dessert and a few "second tasters" of things you liked the first time around, but then call it a meal and move on. Just because the food's still on the table doesn't mean you're obligated to eat it. Think it terms of normal meals and you'll avoid endless grazing that adds up to an overstuffed belly and scale!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

All Natural Detox Foods... 

After this holiday season many people make their New Year's resolutions based on weight loss and their nutrition. In order to get your body back on track after the numerous holiday sugar-laden feasts you will need to first look to incorporating some foods into your diet that can help you detox first.
Detoxing the body can be done naturally by simply incorporating certain foods that can help your system get rid of toxins and excess. Let's take a look at a few:
  • Fruit
    Fruits are high in fiber such and contain antioxidants, nutrients and important vitamins that can help your body get rid of excess. Have an apple or a pear next time to get your detox process started.
  • Green Vegetables
    Fill up on green vegetables and detox your body naturally. By incorporating veggies such as kale, arugula and spinach you can help your digestive system with some chlorophyll which helps the body get rid of harmful environmental toxins from smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides. They also aid the liver in detoxification.
  • Lemons
    A good way to start the day is by sprinkling some lemon into your water. This fruit can help you flush out toxins and help your liver with the cleaning process of your internal organs.
  • Spices
    Try some garlic or red cayenne pepper as new spices for your diet. Both can help boost your metabolism and help you detoxify where you need it.
Try getting back on track with these foods after the holidays and start the new year refreshed!
Don't forget - water, water, water.....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Work Out Without Lifting a Finger...

Who says it takes all kinds of effort to stay in shape? Sometimes the best exercises are so simple they don't even require you to lift a finger. Actually, we're talking about great lower-body exercises that tone, tighten and keep your hips, glutes, hamstrings and calves looking great using only your body weight (no fingers / hands required) as resistance. 
Jumps: Plyometric exercises involve quick bursts of explosive power. Jumps are one example of a plyometric exercise, and you might expect, they're easy to do. With feet shoulder-width apart, hands at sides, back straight, lower into a squat position and then power up immediately, using arm swing to help maintain balance and increase the height of your jump. Jumps can be performed from ground to air or from the ground to a stable surface, such as a metal box or wall. Build to 10-20 repetitions, 2-3 sets.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ward Off Colds With Yogurt...

Another reason to love yogurt!  Start bolstering your immune system for fall and winter by downing a cup of probiotic-rich yogurt every day. Those good bacteria strengthen your immunity and have been associated with a 42 percent lower risk of getting upper respiratory infections, such as colds. The strains of probiotics are found in fermented dairy products such as yogurt and kefir. And don’t forget while you're downing those, lay off the excess sugar, antibiotics, and stress, all of which can kill good bacteria in your gut and make you more susceptible to cold-weather ailments.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Eat Asparagus, Prevent a Hangover...

With the Holiday season upon us with all the socializing - I thought this was really interesting!  And, another great excuse to eat more asparagus!  The leaves and shoots of this super-veggie contain enzymes that break down alcohol after heavy drinking, preventing a hangover, and even eating it the day after can tame one that is already making you miserable, according to Korean scientists. The best way to prevent a hangover, of course, is to avoid overindulging. Munch on some stalks before you head out or during your bar visit, though, and not only will you get the beneficial enzymes but your stomach will be full of food, which slows down your body's absorption of alcohol in the first place.

Friday, November 23, 2012

A Food Coma to Remember...

Happy Friday!  
Off to work with a healthy lunch box of leftovers :)

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protien!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving...
I am Thankful that Bob is roasting another turkey!  We are concerned that we are going to have more people than anticipated!
Our menu:
Starting with a wild mushroom terrain made with porcini mushrooms, light cream cheese, herbs and spices. Manchego cheese with assorted crackers.
Oven Baked Spanish tortilla which to me is like an egg, potato and bell pepper fratta.
The star of the show is the turkey with corn waffles and gravy (our deconstructed stuffing)
Grapefruit sections, Brussels sprout salad, cranberry sauce and medley of roasted squashes
Dessert is the spiced pumpkin and walnut roll up cake.  We have the good, the bad but all delicious!  I think it will be a feast to remember!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Just DO IT...

I must workout - I must workout - I must workout!  

It truly is the start of the Holidays and I am already overwhelmed, stressed and feel the tiredness setting in!  I get up every morning with the mantra I must workout!  It isn’t easy, but I am determined NOT to put on the Holiday 5.  I would like to take off the 5 I haven’t taken off from last year!  It’s dark in the morning and really hard to get my butt out of bed!  I could use a hundred different excuses.  I just have to keep in mind - I am spoiled and have a treadmill in the next room and all I have to do is put on shoes and socks and turn it on!  Got to go and DO IT!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Day Countdown...
Wow!  So much to do, so little time!
This Year I was actually organized enough to get the decorations up!  Too early to get a “real” tree, so I put the lights and ornaments on the cat tree!  Shmooh loves it!
We are at the minute by minute countdown!
Bob and I are hosting our annual Thanksgiving day open house brunch. This all started when my friend Nancy and her husband and I used to do the Thanksgiving Day Turkey trot.  Bob would be home getting our turkey ready and we would have easy spread of bagels, cream cheese and coffee.  Than it would be the race and Bob watching the kids, cooking and getting our brunch ready.  Than we started inviting anyone who was doing the Turkey Trot.  Than it got too crazy and the menu started getting more involved for me to do the turkey trot.  Than we just decided to combine our Thanksgiving into the brunch and just host an open house and one meal!
The cooking actually started last week.  I will be peeling my stalk of Brussels sprouts (Brussels Sprouts salad, 11/11/2010 blog) and sectioning grapefruits.  The rest of the menu will be revealed on Thursday!

(this is blog 800)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Dukan Oat Bran Galette...

I Have a few friends at work doing the Dukan diet, and they were willing to share this recipe with me.  I sometimes have these for breakfast - when I have the time.  I go for the more savory type!  I find them very satisfying and they get me easily through the morning!
1 egg white
2 tablespoons of oat bran
2 tablespoons fat-free plain Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon zero calorie sweetener suited for cooking for a sweet pancake
Pepper, herbs and/or chopped green onion for a savory pancake

In a small bowl, beat the egg white until foamy.  In a separate bowl, combine the oat bran, greek yogurt and your choice of sweetener or savory seasoning.  Add the beaten egg white and mix until blended.

Place a small nonstick pan over medium heat.  Pour the pancake mixture into the pan and cook for around 5 minutes, or until the underside is golden and the upper side starts to dry.  Flip the galette with a spatula and continue cooking the other side for an additional 5 minutes.

I better go make mine now!

Friday, November 16, 2012

A natural diuretic that is used to help expel excess fluids in the body, cabbage is made up of approximately 92 percent water. You'd probably  burn more calories chewing cabbage than anything else. It's also known for being a perfect source of many dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins, including C, K, E, A, and folic acid. I am so happy that kale and Brussels sprouts are a type of cabbage.  The picture is one of our 4 cabbage plants on our balcony until the first frost!  We will use them for a variety of recipes!

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


"I just think you should eat less of everything. A little bit less. I don't want to live a life where you can't have what you want; it just makes you want it more."  
I love this quote!  When I do decide to indulge, I try my best to just have a little!  Then again, there are those days that I try to have less and it turns into too much!  It’s still a matter a fighting the battles worth fighting for!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I need new running shoes and I have been seeing a lot of these on the running path as of late!  Not sure if I could use these.  I have enough discomfort getting a pedicure and having cotton or those toe things between my toes.  But this is what they are saying... 

When it comes to support, less is more. Build up to wearing shoes with minimal support, like  NIKE free or Vibram five fingers,  to help strengthen and develop the natural muscular support in your foot and ankle. But don’t toss your sneakers just yet – slowly begin by running, one block at a time, with less support to gradually strengthen the muscles in your feet.  Developing foot strength can help make everything stronger,  including your ankles, knees, hips, and lower back.  

Please let me know if you are trying these - I am interested??? I am a big fan of New Balance, but just might have to try a pair on!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fooled by Food Labels...

Healthy eating is a definite trend these days, as more and more people – particularly parents – focus on providing balanced nutrition for themselves and their families. Food manufacturers understand this trend and have responded with various catch words and key phrases that lure the health-conscious eye. But is what you're buying really all that healthy? Here are three common label sightings that don't always mean as much as the food industry wants you to think they mean.
All-Natural: On the one hand, saying something is "all natural" these days is a big plus because so many foods are made with artificial ingredients and/or chemicals. If you want something that's truly all-natural, food with this label will fit the bill. However, keep in mind that just because something is "all natural" doesn't mean it's particularly healthy in terms of fat, calorie, sugar or sodium content. You can make cookies with all-natural ingredients – primarily sugar, butter and white flour – but you'll be consuming a whole lot of fat and sugar, and very little in the way of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Sugar Free: Speaking of sugar, we live in a sugar-conscious world where artificial sweeteners rule the day and few people realize what they're consuming. Sugar-free diet sodas are the perfect example; people guzzle gallon upon gallon of the stuff every year, oblivious to evidence suggesting that artificial sweeteners are a) potentially dangerous, because in many cases they've been chemically altered / produced; and b) may still contribute to weight gain by stimulating the eating response. Moreover, many items labeled "sugar free" are also nutrient free. You might not be getting any real sugar, but you aren't getting much of anything else to fuel your body, either.
Per Serving: This is perhaps the most deceptive label out there because people see "only 100 calories per serving" or "only 3 grams of fat per serving" and grab the food off the shelf without a thought. Potato chips and crackers often list relatively low fat / calorie counts per serving; but each serving is a mere 5-6 chips or crackers. Anyone you know eat only 5-6 chips or crackers at a single sitting? The average eater may work their way through triple or quadruple that amount, providing 3-4 times the servings – and 3-4 times the fat and calories.
The lesson here is to always read food labels thoroughly, do research when necessary so you know what you're buying / eating to pursue a healthy, balanced diet that gives you the nutrition your body needs.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Eating healthy for the goal of healthy eyes think foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, and beta carotenes are particularly helpful in the battle against macular degeneration. These are great for cataract prevention as well since nutrients like zinc and B vitamins like niacin are important for this particular concern as well.
The easiest way to make sure that you are getting plenty of these nutrients is to eat a lot of leafy greens along with bright yellow, red, or orange vegetables. It would also be a great idea to add some nuts, lean low fat proteins like turkey or ostrich, and fish.
Avocadoes, fish, and nuts are rich in healthy fatty acids that help to keep the blood vessels for the eyes healthy. The bright colored vegetables like bell peppers, carrots and sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotenes which are essential for our retinal health. Also for our retina, let's keep in mind that leafy greens like spinach are rich in the lutein and zeaxanthin that are good for our eyes.

Friday, November 9, 2012


It's scary but true. Here's the deal... According to FDA rules, if something has less than FIVE calories per serving, the label can claim it has ZERO calories. And while that might not seem like much of a difference, that small difference really adds up when you're talking about a product that has MANY servings per container. In a perfect world, products would have their EXACT calorie counts on nutrition labels with reasonable serving sizes, but it's not a perfect world. The best things you can do are to be aware and be honest with yourself. Really pay attention to the amount of a product you're using. A no-calorie sweetener packet actually has about 4 calories, so if you're using multiple packets throughout the day, keep track, and add up the calories. And sure, the labels on most nonstick cooking sprays say 0 calories for a 1/4-second spray, but who sprays for only 1/4th of a second?! I don't think that's even possible. A much more realistic serving is a 1-second spray, which has about 5 to 10 calories and 0.5 to 1 gram of fat. That's still a lot less calories and fat than you're likely to take in using regular oil, but it's not ZERO. A "no-calorie" butter spray is great for day-to-day use if you're trying to cut calories and you only need a few spritzes. But each teaspoon (about 25 sprays) actually has 20 calories and 2g fat. 

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Tis the season!  Research shows that potassium-rich cranberries can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels and help raise the good HDL levels in your body, and regular consumption of the holiday favorite may help reduce your overall risk of heart disease by as much as 40 percent.  Still, remember to watch out for all the sugar!  Moderation and portion control is key!  I tend to pick out most of the dried cranberries that come in my salads when I order out!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Strength Training and Core Training...

For me these go hand in hand.  This is the season that it becomes so difficult to get outside and run!  I found that last year I was able to really keep in shape by getting into some cross-training!  My body wasn’t too shocked when I was able to get out and start running/training again!  It really helped build up my muscles and I was able to gain distance a lot faster!  Don’t get me wrong, I will still get my cardio exercise in, just not to the extent that I was able to during the warmer months!  

So get out your stability ball and start conditioning your stabilizing muscles of the abdomen, back and chest!  Push-ups, sit-ups and curl-ups are examples of basic core exercises.  

Then get out the weights and start lifting them!  This will work and tone your muscles and enhance your workouts!  Burning muscles mean you're working and you're going to have more tone.  If you're concerned about bulking up, go with lighter weights and higher repetitions, but make sure your muscles are on fire for the last five to 10 reps. 

Remember, burning muscles is also burning away fat!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Arugula =  4 Calories per cup... 
This delicate, peppery green is amazingly low in everything you don’t want, especially calories, fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. It is, however, loaded with crunch and packed with fiber, vitamins A, C and K, and other nutrients, including potassium. 
Perfect in salads, soups, or anywhere you would use leafy greens, arugula may even boost your romantic life! Evidence suggests that the minerals and antioxidants packed into dark, leafy greens are essential for our sexual health because they help block absorption of toxins that dampen the libido. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

More on Red Wine...
I love writing about red wine, just after the weekend!
The skin of red grapes--a rich source of red wine's natural compound resveratrol--may actually help diabetics regulate their blood sugar, finds recent research published in the journal Nutrition. Study participants who took a 250 mg resveratrol supplement once a day for three months had lower blood glucose levels than those who didn't take the pill. Plus, resveratrol-takers also had significant decreases in total cholesterol and systolic blood pressure. Researchers suspect that resveratrol may help stimulate insulin secretion or activate a protein that helps regulate glucose and insulin sensitivity.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Diet Success Secrets…

I got this article out of Shape Magazine and found it interesting.  Especially because the Dukan Diet is popular around the office – with some honorable success!  Let’s see what happens in the long run.  I hope it works for my work peeps!  

Low-carb.  Zone.  Dukan. Paleo. Fad diets full of rules can make your head spin – without helping you lose weight permanently.  Now a study pout of Fred Hutchinson Research Center in Seattle finds that the keys to dropping pounds may be simpler than anyone thought.  After monitoring women who followed a reduced-calorie plan for a year, researchers identified three behaviors that consistently helped dieters reach their goals.  And-eureka!-they’re all painless, actionable and free:
Keep A Journal
Women who recorded their meals and snacks lost 6 more pounds than those who didn’t track their consumption.  “Pen and paper. Phone apps and online diaries all work well,”  Just make sure you are completing your entries in real time!
Eat Regularly
Skipping meals when you’re busy or “jump-start” weight loss can cost you in the long run:  Dieters who did so dropped 8 fewer pounds than those who dined three times a day.
Bag Your Lunch
Study participants who ate out at midday at least once a week lost 5 fewer pounds than those who hit up a restaurants less frequently.

Don’t forget about exercise! Strength training and cardio also play key rolls in any weight loss program!  I have stuck to these ideas and have basically maintained my weight for 3 years!  I will admit that I still have a fluctuation of 5 pounds that I am not happy about:(.

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sugar-Packed Sweet Potatoes...

The Joy-Killing Truth: Many packaged sweet potatoes and even homemade recipes for candied or marshmallow casserole sweet potatoes call for multiple cups of sugar that will start the suffering process for your brain and mood minutes after eating. High blood sugar levels actually age our blood vessels, shrink our brains, damage vision and nerve function, and increase our risk of depression and Alzheimer's disease.  OMG - growing up that is all I would eat at Thanksgiving!
Healthy Switch: Naked sweet potatoes—ones baked without all of the added sugar—are loaded with beta-carotene, a fat-soluble, brain-protecting antioxidant the body uses to manufacture vitamin A. This vitamin promotes the enzymes that create mood-regulating neurotransmitters like dopamine.