Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I need new running shoes and I have been seeing a lot of these on the running path as of late!  Not sure if I could use these.  I have enough discomfort getting a pedicure and having cotton or those toe things between my toes.  But this is what they are saying... 

When it comes to support, less is more. Build up to wearing shoes with minimal support, like  NIKE free or Vibram five fingers,  to help strengthen and develop the natural muscular support in your foot and ankle. But don’t toss your sneakers just yet – slowly begin by running, one block at a time, with less support to gradually strengthen the muscles in your feet.  Developing foot strength can help make everything stronger,  including your ankles, knees, hips, and lower back.  

Please let me know if you are trying these - I am interested??? I am a big fan of New Balance, but just might have to try a pair on!

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