Friday, November 2, 2012

Diet Success Secrets…

I got this article out of Shape Magazine and found it interesting.  Especially because the Dukan Diet is popular around the office – with some honorable success!  Let’s see what happens in the long run.  I hope it works for my work peeps!  

Low-carb.  Zone.  Dukan. Paleo. Fad diets full of rules can make your head spin – without helping you lose weight permanently.  Now a study pout of Fred Hutchinson Research Center in Seattle finds that the keys to dropping pounds may be simpler than anyone thought.  After monitoring women who followed a reduced-calorie plan for a year, researchers identified three behaviors that consistently helped dieters reach their goals.  And-eureka!-they’re all painless, actionable and free:
Keep A Journal
Women who recorded their meals and snacks lost 6 more pounds than those who didn’t track their consumption.  “Pen and paper. Phone apps and online diaries all work well,”  Just make sure you are completing your entries in real time!
Eat Regularly
Skipping meals when you’re busy or “jump-start” weight loss can cost you in the long run:  Dieters who did so dropped 8 fewer pounds than those who dined three times a day.
Bag Your Lunch
Study participants who ate out at midday at least once a week lost 5 fewer pounds than those who hit up a restaurants less frequently.

Don’t forget about exercise! Strength training and cardio also play key rolls in any weight loss program!  I have stuck to these ideas and have basically maintained my weight for 3 years!  I will admit that I still have a fluctuation of 5 pounds that I am not happy about:(.

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

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