Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Work Out Without Lifting a Finger...

Who says it takes all kinds of effort to stay in shape? Sometimes the best exercises are so simple they don't even require you to lift a finger. Actually, we're talking about great lower-body exercises that tone, tighten and keep your hips, glutes, hamstrings and calves looking great using only your body weight (no fingers / hands required) as resistance. 
Jumps: Plyometric exercises involve quick bursts of explosive power. Jumps are one example of a plyometric exercise, and you might expect, they're easy to do. With feet shoulder-width apart, hands at sides, back straight, lower into a squat position and then power up immediately, using arm swing to help maintain balance and increase the height of your jump. Jumps can be performed from ground to air or from the ground to a stable surface, such as a metal box or wall. Build to 10-20 repetitions, 2-3 sets.  

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