Monday, October 25, 2010

Finally, Bob and I made the plunge, we joined Costco!  This took time because remember, we live in the city and do not own a car!  To try and make a long story short - Bob spent the last 2 months customizing the Surley, big dummy cargo bike!  Yes - we were able to bring home 36 rolls of toilet paper, 20 rolls of paper towels, a 20 pack case of zero vitamin water, produce, 12 pack of granny smith apples and 8 pounds of beef tenderloin, and get some exercise! If I only had a camera! (the beef tenderloin was for a dinner party, we still were able to put some in the freezer for the future) 
Here are some of the items on our Costco list, organic omega 3 eggs, fage Total 0% Greek Yogurt, Starbucks French roast coffee, Laughing Cow Light Cheese wedges and my sugar free calcium chews.  Depending on our menu for the week or weekend we will get our meat and produce there.  This takes some thinking in advance because we do not like to waste food! Think Costco - think BIG! Every time we go we find something new to add to our list!  It is quite overwhelming at first, but we are learning our way around and are always keeping our eyes peeled for the bargains!

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