Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Morning Darkness...
Until we “fall back” on the clocks, and as magnificent as a sunrise may be, this time of the year it is just plain dark when I need to get out and run!
Monday, I wrote about my eating as not being as much work, I wish I could say the same about my working out!  Oh! Some of the pitfalls of the Fall!  LESS SUNSHINE, so sad!  It isn’t that it is hard for me to wake up in the morning, I always wake up at about the same time everyday, with or without an alarm clock.  What’s hard is getting motivated to get my workout in, in the morning!  I am defiantly one of those people, if I don’t work out in the morning, there is a good chance I won’t workout at all.  I love my morning routine. I sometimes get my best ideas in the morning, workout some problems in my head, figure out my menu for the day, get organized and best of all, I already accomplished one of my major goals for the day.  I am still doing my strength training 3 days a week, crunches 5 days a week, still able to ride my bike to and from work and started doing my hallway lunges again, I just can’t get out the door during the week for a good run!  Thank God for the weekends!  I love my treadmill and I know it will become my best friend again, but right now, the weather is still perfect for running and I want to be outside,  but I guess I am just SCARED OF THE DARK! In all seriousness, the reality is - SAFETY!

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