Monday, October 4, 2010

October Already!

On a personal note...

This is another emotional stepping stone for me!  May 2008 I started this quest, October 2009 I hit my goal, October 2010 I am maintaining the goal!

When people ask me how I have lost this weight and I tell them it s all about eating healthy and exercise, it is almost as though they are disappointed!  Everyone wants a miracle or a quick fix!  I apologize in advance to anyone who has been on a “diet” before.  I know we all say “it’s a lifestyle change” not a “diet”.  But, what it really is about is wrapping yourself around a whole new way of thinking! I swear, eventually it will feel more like just your daily routine or just a good habit instead of a whole lot of “work”.
Believe me, it was not easy and I was extremely fortunate, I had a lot of support and encouragement along the way!  My “guru” always gave me the confidence I needed and she always reinforced that it was all about my willpower to do it!!  My husband, had to learn a whole new way of cooking, and now we share in the task!  It has become more of a team effort!  
Of course there has been some slip-ups along the way, but I have LEARNED and keep LEARNING more and more about food everyday!  People had tried to get me to join weight watchers with them, but I see the points system as a way that if I had any extra “points ”I would probably have gone for anything that was sweet and not necessarily healthy.  Hungry Girl has a lot of great advice and ideas, but also promotes a lot of processed foods!  Atkins was a great quick fix, but once that weight came back on, it came on like a vengeance and it was hard to take it off again!!!!  If you have the funds and maybe your insurance will cover it, I highly suggest going to a nutritionist! I still keep a food journal and log my exercise, and keeping this blog also keeps me very focused!!!!  I am just beginning to get comfortable and enjoying the “new” me!

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Deborah. Mom and Dad are so proud of you
    Love ya
