Monday, October 11, 2010

Salad Bar Smarts...
I feel I have become Queen of the salad bar!  You think eating salads is always the simplest healthy choice - think again!  There are many mistakes made that can actually rack up those calories!
Pick: Pile your plate with greens, the darker the better to ensure a healthy dose of vitamins A, C and folate and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and iron.
Spinach, kale, arugula, romaine and swiss chard are always good choices!
Skip:  The lighter greens such as watery, nutrient-poor iceberg lettuce.
Pick:  Your favorite lean protein.  I always ask how the chicken breast s prepared, and if it is marinated in oil, or grilled with oil I skip it and go for the tofu!  You need the protein to keep your blood sugar level.
Skip:  The mayo-drowned chicken, crab or egg salads made with unhealthy fat and unknown additives.
Pick:  Go for the colorful veggies.  Add these antioxidant soldiers to dress up your plate with color.  Include carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumber and/or beets, the list goes on and on, all for a good dose of minerals and vitamins.
Skip:  Just like the mayo-drowned protein, pass over the mystery dressed coleslaw and carrot-raison concoctions.
Pick:  You flavor enhancer.  This is where it really gets tricky!  I get a plate of lemons, and sometimes there is a red wine vinegar (the zero calorie) available.  Spice it up with some pepper and herbs.  Herbs are an instant flavor and mineral booster.
Skip:  Those mystery dressings with the unhealthy fats.  They may contain more sugar than a candy bar and more salt than a french fry!

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