Thursday, October 7, 2010

I guess I have to admit this - I have become addicted to TV!  I don’t necessarily let it run my life, having the DVR makes it so easy not to, but it has become a good friend on all those evenings Bob has to work!
A few years ago I picked up my knitting needles and started up again! Besides being super therapeutic, it also helps keep me distracted from snacking whenever I do have the chance to sit in front of the magic box!  So I guess this story will be about, keeping busy and distracted during those times when you might be snacking!  I also feel that when I am knitting, I am not the total couch potato and TV addict, and that I am actually accomplishing something!  The Holidays are approaching, and nothing makes for a better gift, than something you make!  So I say - get crafty!  Needlepoint, crochet or knit, keep yourself occupied.  No hands free to grab those tempting chips, cookies or candies!

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