Friday, October 1, 2010

What’s your portion IQ?
Q - Your portion of food should be the amount listed as a “serving” on the Nutrition Facts label?
a.) Yes
b.) No
c.) It depends
A - c.) It depends.  A serving size listed on the Nutrition Facts label is a standardized amount of food as determined by the Food and Drug Administration, so consumers can compare the calories and nutrients among brands.  It is not necessarily a recommended portion - the amount of food you choose to eat at one sitting - though it is a good yardstick.  And if you don’t pay attention to the serving size listed, the calories and nutrients listed are  meaningless, because you might be eating twice that amount.  Keep in mind, although the amount of food you are served may not always be under your control, you are always in control of the portion of food you consume.  And if it’s you doing the serving, then wise up to reasonable portions!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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