Thursday, January 23, 2014

Are Any Foods Truly “Detoxifying”...
You should be very wary of any product that claims to be detoxifying. However, our world is full of chemical and natural toxins (caffeine, for example) that our body needs to deal with in order to maintain optimal function. The good news is there are foods you can eat and things you can do that help support your body in this process.
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts contain powerful antioxidants that have been implicated in helping cells fight cancer as well as with the body's detoxification process.  Two main compounds found in these types of vegetables have detoxification properties:
Calcium D-glucarate and  Indole-3-carbinolThey are way to scientific for me to quite understand, let alone explain - so just eat lot’s of veggies, especially broccoli and of course, keep drinking water!

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