Monday, January 20, 2014

Berries for Blood Pressure…

I LOVE Berries!  High blood pressure (hypertension) essentially means blood flow through your arteries increases, which can lead to some serious problems over time: we're talking arterial damage (increasing the risk of arteriosclerosis), coronary artery disease, heart attack or heart failure, kidney damage/failure, and stroke. Not a pretty picture, but here's an easy – and tasty – solution: eat berries! According to a recent study, eating at least one serving a day of blueberries and/or strawberries reduces your risk of high blood pressure by nearly 10 percent compared to eating no berries. Researchers postulate that the blood pressure benefits of berries are attributable to a compound called anthocyanin, a dietary flavonoid present in blueberries, strawberries and other berries.

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