Friday, January 17, 2014

Eliminate Clutter…

It sounds obvious. Drink more water, get more sleep, stop complaining, and your life will improve. But sometimes we need a little reminder that a few simple steps can make a huge difference in our ultimate happiness and overall health!
Ever wonder why those people on Hoarders look so miserable? Climbing out from underneath piles of stuff can also mean emotional freedom from items that could be mentally weighing you down.
Go ahead and get rid of all the things you don't need or that are not good for you!  Ditch clothes you never wear and create more space to see the clothes you do actually wear.
And from your closets to your kitchen, get rid of unhealthy foods too.  Clean out your cupboards, and get rid of all processed foods like those containing white flours, sugar, and unhealthy oils!  It’s a great way to start the new year!  I try and do this every 6 months because we all know we just keep accumulating “STUFF”!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!  

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